Date: | Subject: | Images of Documents: |
Dec. 4, 1890 | John Conmee enumerates injuries. | |
Jul. 29, 1891 | John Conmee's certificate of examination. | |
Aug. 8, 1891 | John Conmee re: Filing for Act of June 27, 1890. | |
Sep. 19, 1892 | John Conmee re: Conway misspelling. | |
Feb. 4, 1892 | John Conmee re: Particulars of Service. | |
Feb. 18, 1892 | BRWR letter re: service of John Conway. | |
Nov. 30, 1892 | James Conmee on the name CONWAY. | page: 1 2 3 |
Mar. 20, 1895 | John Conmee re: original discharge not for injury. | |
Jan. 15, 1898 | Dept. of Interior re: marital status and dependents. | |
May 21 1901 | Conmee's power of atty. to J.B. Cralle & Co. | |
Aug. 05 1901 | Dr. Ryan's medical form for John Conmee. | |
May 20, 1903 | Pension Certificate Duplicate. | |
Jan. 29, 1904 | John Conmee's death report, NHDVS. |
Dec. 4, 1890
Affidavit of John Conmee enumerates injuries
stamped upper right: U.S. Pension Office B, Dec 23 1890.
State of North Dakota County of Pembina , SS:
On this fourth day of December A. D., 189 0 , personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths John Conmee aged 49 years, late Private Co. G. 8th Reg't of New York Cavalry Vols., applicant for Pension No. a resident of Cavalier County of Pembina State of N. D. whose Postoffice address is Cavalier N.D. and well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows: (Affiant should state his means of knowing the fact to which he testifies.)
That he is the identical John Conmee who sustained the following injuries.
1st loss of sight of right eye owing to the explosion of cartridge when he was cooking while in the Army and encamped at Maryland Heights Md and that he was sent to the hospital at Washington wher he laid two months and was their discharged at the 8th day of August 1865.
2nd that owing to falling on [a] brush mowing scythe I have lost the use of the fingers on my right hand (except that I have partial use of first finger) and am unable to handle the reins or drive team with safety: in cold weather not at all.
3rd 20 years ago I sustained a cut in the head from an axe while cutting wood injuring my memory and two years later I sustained a sunstroke which has rendered me uncapable of any labor during warm weather so I have been repeatedly discharged from being unable to work when it is warm.
I also have contracted asthma in Army which has grown to be very bad during the last few years.
If affiant signs by mark, two persons who can write sign here | John Conmee Signature of Affiant |
Jul. 29, 1891
John Conmee's certificate of examination.
Attention is invited to the outlines of the human skeleton and firure upon the back of this certificate, and they should be used whenever it is possible to indicate precisely the location of a disease or injury, the entrance and exit of a missle, and amputation, etc.
The absence of a member from a session of a board and the reasone therefore, if known, and the name of the sbsentee must be indorsed [endorsed] upon each certificate.
Insert character and number of claim
Army Pension Claim No.
Name and rank of claimant
John Conmee , Rank,
Private Company
G ,
8 Reg't
N Y Cav. Post office address of the board Grafton N Dak
claimant's post office address
Cavalier, Pembina Co. N D
Date of examination July 29, , 18891.
We hereby certify that in compliance with the requirements of the law [see the back] we have carefully examined this applicant, who states that he is suffering from the following disability, incurred in the service, viz: cause of disability Loss of sight of right eye, injury of right hand head and sun stroke. Asthma and that he receives a pension of no---- dollars per month.
Pulse rate per minute,
68 ; respiration,
18 ; temperature,
98 1/2 ;
height, 5 ,
6 1/2 inches;
weight 175 pounds;
age 59 years.
He makes the following statements upon which he bases his claim for [here state whether for original, increase, restoration, or renewal, or for a re-enstating.] Original blindness of right eye. Incised wound of palm of hand and consequent contraction of fingers of same hand. Axe wound on top of the head. Sunstroke which causes absent mind at times. Asthma which caused almost continuous cough at night: which is very bad after a cold & prevents him from lieing [lying] down in bed.
Upon examination we find the following objective conditions: Right eye, traumatic cataract. Pupil does not respond to light nor shade. Lids are normal. No Trachoma blepharitis nor Pterygium. No trichiasis entropia nor ectropia. Cornia is not transparent; it is opaque nearly entire surface. Pupil is contracted. Recognizes light as night from day but cannot recognize objects. Other eye is normal. Incised wound extending across entire palm of right hand at base of finger joints. Severed the flexor tendon of little, ring, + middle fingers. Fingers contracted 1/3 and motion limited in middle finger to 1/2. Ring + little finger are immovable. Wound of head. Scar 3 inch long to left of meridian line at junction of parietal + occipital bones adherent but not tender nor dragging. The only effects of sunstroke only are inability to stand heat, headache and spells of dizziness and absent minded. Slight deafness. Asthma: lungs are normal except the normal murmur is exager
From the existing condition and the history of this claimant, as stated by himself, it is, in our judgment,
very probable that the disavility was incurred [moot by Act. 6/27/1890] in the service as he claims, and that it has not been prolonged or aggravated by vicious habits. He is, in our opinion, entitled to a 15/18 rating for the disability caused by Loss of sight of eye, 8/18 for that caused by Result of sun stroke 3/18 Injury to hand 2/18 Asthma 2/18
N.B.--Always forward a certificate of exmination whether a disability is found to exist or not
(13972--100M) 6-427Aug. 8, 1891
Affidavit of John Conmee enumerates his injuries
Margin: Write in ALL of your ??? Wounds, Injuries or Diseases, as under the New Law (Act of June 27, 1890,) it makes no difference whether they were acquired during your service or since your discharge, provided they are not due to vicious [bad] habits.
State of North Dakota County of Pembina
On this 8th day of August A. D., 189 1 , personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths John Conmee aged years, late Private Co. G. 8' Reg't of N. Y. Cav. Vols., applicant for Original Pension No. 950-517 a resident of Cavalier County of Pembina State of N. Dak. whose Postoffice address is the same and well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows:
That he claims pension under the NEW LAW on the following disabilities:FIRST loss of eye contracted at or near Maryland Heights State of Maryland on or about June year of 1865 Under the following circumstances: Explosion of cartridge while boiling coffee
SECOND cut in hand
contracted at or near
? ? State Province of
Ontario Can. on or about
July year of
Under the following circumstances:
falling on scythe cutting
+ mauling the hand
THIRD Asthma contracted at or near Soon after the war State of Michigan on or about year of 1867 Under the following circumstances:
FOURTH wound in head contracted at or near Custer State of Illinois on or about Feb'y year of 1880 or 1881 Under the following circumstances: Two splitting wood hit in head with axe by brother
That he rendered military and naval services
Enlisted in March 1865
for three years during the war
in 8th New York Cavalry Co.
That the date of his final discharge from the servis was on the 8th day of August 18 65
That he has rendered no military or naval service otherwise than as above set forth
If affiant signs by mark, two persons who can write sign here |
John Conmee Signature of Affiant |
Sep. 19, 1892
Affidavit of John Conmee re: Conway misspelling
State of North Dakota County of Pembina , SS:
On this 19th day of September A. D., 189 2 , personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths John Conmee aged 51 years, late Private Co. G. , 8th Reg't of N. Y. Cav. Vols., applicant for Original Inv. Pension No. 950-517 a resident of Cavalier County of Pembina State of N. Dak. whose Postoffice address is Cavalier, Pembina Co. N.Dak. and well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows: (Affiant should state his means of knowing the fact to which he testifies.)
That he served under the name of John Conway, which was an error of the enlisting agent Recruiting officer, but that his true name is John Conmee as written above. He answered for Conway at Roll call, and did not take any steps to have the same corrected. He also had a brother in the Army, whose name was written the same way, but his first name was James.
If affiant signs by mark, two persons who can write sign here |
John Conmee Signature of Affiant |
Feb. 4, 1892
Affidavit of John Conmee re: his service in Co. G, 8th Reg. N.Y. Cav. Vol.
State of North Dakota County of Pembina On this 4th day of February A. D., 189 2 , personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths Jn. Conmee aged 59 years, late Pvt. Co. G.-8" Reg't of N Y Cav.- Vols., applicant for Original-Act June 27/90 Pension No. 950517 a resident of Cavalier County of Pembina State of N. Dak.- whose Postoffice address is Cavalier and well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows: (Affiant should state his means of knowing the fact to which he testifies.)
I enlisted in March 1865 at Rochester N. Y. in the 8th N.Y. Cav.--but was afterwards assigned to Company G. I was then 23 years old, was born at Lockport N.Y. My Brother James enlisted 3 or 4 days later in the same Regiment. He was born in Canada. We were not at first in the same Company but by request, were made so, I can't remember whether it was he or I that was transferred, but after that, we were both in Company G. We left Rochester, and went to Almira N.Y. Stayed there for more recruits, then went to Merlin [Maryland] Heights and commenced to drill. At roll call, my name was pronounced Conway, I did not object to it, but think I gave my proper name Conmee but it was not spelled right. And my comrades called me Conny or Conngy, I often told them that my right name was Conmee. I was in the line of service from the early part of March 1865 till the 8th day of August of the same year. On that day I was discharged from the Hospital with free pass to Rochester. My discharge was burned at Kansas City.
Grimur Olapaw Emar Hannson If affiant signs by mark, two persons who can write sign here |
John Conmee Signature of Affiant |
Feb. 18, 1892
Bureau of Records of the War of Rebellion, Albany. Letter re: John Conway's service in
Co. "G" 8th Reg. N.Y. Cav. Vol.
GENERAL HEADQUARTERS--STATE OF NEW YORK. ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S OFFICE Bureau of Records of the War of the Rebellion, Albany, Feby 18' 189 2. |
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of yours of 15 ?aust? regarding record of service of John Conmee (or Conmy) , late Company 'G' , 8' Regiment N. Y. Vol. Calv and, by direction of the Adjutant-General, to say in reply thereto, that the records of this Bureau show, that John Conway a Private of Co "G" 8' Cavy N.Y. Vols was enrolled March 21/65 at Rochester NY. to serve three years and that he was mustered out Aug 2/65 at Washington DC. The name Conmee, Carmy or Conmay does not appear in company records.
Very respectfully your obedient servant,
? Fred Fraisier
Colonel and Chief of the Bureau.
Nov. 30, 1892
Affidavit of James Conmee on behalf of his brother John Conmee that both served
Co. "G" 8th Reg. N.Y. Cav. Vol. during the Civil War under the name CONWAY.
In the matter of John Conmee alias John Conway late a private in Company "G" of the 8th Regiment of New York Cavalry for original pension on this thirtieth day of November A.D. 1892 personally appeared before me a Notary Public in and for the Province of Manitoba duly authorized to administer oaths, James Conmee aged forty three four [*changes marginally initialed by the notary GP, hereafter GP] years a resident of the Town of Port Arthur in the District of Thunder Bay in the Province of Ontario, a Railroad contracter [contractor], whose Post Office address is Port Arthur Ont, and who is well known [well-known] to me to be reputable and entitled to credit and who being duly sworn declared in relation to the aforesaid case as follows:
"And I further declare that I have no interest in said case and am not in any way concerned with its prosecution." --James Conmee
George PattersonState Province of Manitoba , County of Selkirk , SS:
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30th day of November , A.D. 1892 by the above-mentioned affiant, and I certify that I read said affidavit to said affiant, including the words three (changed to four) and "1864 and," "Conmee or" erased, and the words "as a private" + "and of the two" added, and acquainted him with the contents before he executed the same. I further certify that I am in nowise interested in said case, nor am I concerned in its prosecution; and that said affiant is personally known to me, and that he is a credible person.
Official Signature. A Notary Public for Manitoba Official Character. |
I, Louis Napoleon ?Becoumiay?
clerk of the County Court in and for aforesaid County and State Province, do certify that
George Patterson Esq., who hath signed his name to the foregoing declaration and affidavit, was at the time of so doing a Notary Public in and for said County and State ^ Province duly commissioned and sworn; that all his official acts are entitled to full faith and credit, and that his signature thereunto is genuine.
Witness my hand and seal of office, this 1st day of December 1892.
LN ?Becoumiay?
Clerk of the County Court of the County of Selkirk
This affidavit may be sworn to before any officer authorized to administer oaths. If executed before a Notary or Justice, however, the certificate of Clerk of Court should be attached, showing official capacity of said Notary or Justice, if such certificate be not already on file.
Mar. 20, 1895
Affidavit of John Conmee re: his service in Co. G, 8th Reg. N.Y. Cav. Vol.
In the matter of John Conmee alias Conway late a in Co. "G." of the 8" Reg't of N. Y. Cav. Vols., for Original Invalid Pension
On this 20th day of March A. D., 189 5 , personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths John Conmee aged ^about> 56 years, a resident of Cavalier Township County of Pembina State of North Dakota whose Postoffice address is Hensel Pembina Co. N.D. and well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows: (Affiant should state his means of knowing the fact to which he testifies.)
I did make an affida application for a discharge on acount [account] of my disability. I was told it would include a pension. I don't know who maid [made] it for mee [me] as I could not see out of either eye at that time but escpeted [expected] a pension as some thing in that way had ben [been] done. A lady who was in attendence [attendance] told me that my discharge had come that it was not a discharge for disability w/ pension but an orignal [original] discharge as I took it and went home and herd [heard] no more of pencion [pension] when I got home my Brother [brother] James told mee [me] that he had requested my discharge forwarded to mee [me] at washington [Washington] DC and this is the reason that my discharge red [read] that no reason was known ^to exist why I should not Be [be] enlisted again in the servise [service] idont [I don't] know whether it was a doctor or a claim agent who took my application for pension and discharge this is all I can remember about it. I have maid [made] this statement in answer to that application inever [I never] got them my original old claim was fild [filed] dept 9-91 prier [prior] to that date I fild aplied [
further declare that no interest in said case
not concerned in its prosecution
If affiant signs by mark, two persons who can write sign here |
John Conmee Signature of Affiant |
Jan. 15, 1898
Response of John Conmee to Department of Interior circular regarding marriage status and dependents
Certificate No. 894411 Name, John Conmee alias John Conmee |
Department of the Interior, BUREAU OF PENSIONS Washington, D. C., January 15 , 1898. |
In forwarding to the pension agent the executed voucher for your next quarterly payment please favor me by returning this circular to him with replies to the questions enumerated below.
Very respectfully,
H. Clay Evans
Commissioner of pensions
First. Are you married? If so, please state your wife's full name and her maiden name.
Answer. Mary A. Conmee
maiden name Mary A. Sinnott
Second. When, where, and by whom were you married?
Answer. 30 of January
1889 by father Kenny grafton
[Grafton] ND
Third. What record of marriage exists?
Answer. certificate regestered regestered
[registered] in
grafton [Grafton] ND
Fourth. Were you previously married? If so, please state the name of your former wife and the date and place of her death or divorce
Answer. Cathren O'Conor and
married at Owen's Sound, Ontario by
father granatice ont
Parted, in 1868 .... dead
married, again January 30
of January 1889
Fifth. Have you any children living? If so, please state their names and the dates of their birth
Answer. Mary Ellen Conmee
only resides here at, Cavalier
Born February 4, 1887 in 1868 ....
John Conmee
Date of reply, July 8 , 189 8 | 5301b750ml-98 |
May. 21, 1901
Affidavit of John Conmee giving power of attorney to J.B. Cralle & Co.
stamped upper right: U.S. Pension Office K, MAY 31 1901.
stamped: ATT'Y FILED
Declaration for Original Additional Invalid Pension
NOTE:--This paper can be sworn to before any officer authorized to administer oaths for general purposes. If such officer uses a seal, certificate of Clerk of Cout is not necessary. If no Seal is used, than such certificate must be attached. If certificate is on file in Pesion Office, THAT WILL ANSWER.
State of
North Dakota
County of
Pembina , SS:
On this
21" day of
May A. D., one thousand nine hundred and one , personally appeared before me, a
Notary Public within and for the County and State aforesaid,
John Conmee who was enrolled as a
Private on about the 16" day of
March , 1 865 in Company G" of the
8" Regiment of
N Y Cav. Vols., commanded by (don't remember) and I was honorably discharged at Washington D C
on the 8 day of
August , 1 865 , and my age is now 60 years. That while a member of the organization aforesaid, in this service and in the line of duty at Maryland Heights
(near Harper's Ferry in the State of
Maryland on or about the 12" day of
May , 1 865 , I contracted or incurred rheumatism caused by sleeping on wet ground in the winter of 1865-1866 I discovered that I had asthma which I never had before which was caused by exposure. In Kansas City Mo--in August 1870 I had a Sunstroke caused by exposure by loading stock which has caused me loss of memory. I have the full use of but one finger of my right hand caused by falling with a scythe near Bay City-Michigan.
That I was treated in hospitals as follows: Field Hospital in Virginia--then in City of Washington in large building used for Hospital
That I was not employed in the military or naval service prior to 16" day of March , 1 865 That I have not been employed in the military or naval service since 8" day of August , 1 865
That since leaving the service I have resided in Bay City, Michigan and Cavalier N. Dak. and my occupation has been that of a contractor and farmer
That prior to my entry into the service above named I was a man of good, sound physical health, being when enrolled a farmer. That I am now totally disabled from obtaining my subsistence by manual labor by reason of my disabilities above described, received in the service of the Untited States, and I therefore make this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the pension roll of the United States. I HEREBY APPOINT AND EMPOWER, WITH FULL POWER OF SUBSTITIUTION
my true and lawful attorneys to prosecute my claim. I have already received for a pension. That my Post Office address is Cavalier County of Pembina State of North Dakota
Attest two witnesses
F. J. Hall P. MC Intosh |
John Conmee Signature of Affiant |
August 05, 1901
Dr. J. P. Ryan's medical exam of John Conmee.
Stamped: U.S. Pension Office C Nov 9 1901
Stamped: Nov. 19 1901/RECEIVED
(Old No.3-100)
East Div. G[rafton].N.D.
Department of the Interior,
Washington, D.C. Aug 5 ,
190 1
Dr. J. P. Ryan , Grafton , Co. Walsh , N. D.
Mr. John Conmee
alias Conway , P.O.
Pembina ,
N. D. ,
late a private Co.
G 8 Regiment
N.Y. Vol Cav an applicant for
increase Invalid Pension No.
894411 has been directed to report himslef to you for examination on account of disability from
loss of sight of right eye,
result of injury to same, claims
Claimant failed to appear within specified time. J. P. Ryan
Are there any other diabilities?
Are there evidences of visious habits?
Very respectfully,
H. Clay Evans, Comissioner
May 20, 1903
Duplicate of John Conmee's Pension Certificate
duplicate |
It is hereby certified That in conformity with the laws of the United States John Conmee alias John Conway who was a Private Co. G 8" Regiment New York Volunteer Cavalry is entitled to a pension at the rate of Eight dollars per month to commence on the tenth day of September on thousand eight hundred and ninety-one and Twelve dollars per moth from December 4 1891. This pension bing for loss of sight of right eye result of injury to same. Issued in lieu of certificate dated August 28 1895
Given at the Department of the Interior this Twentieth day of May one thousand nine hundred and three and the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and twenty seventh. Thos. Ryan Acting Secretary of the Interior, Countersigned B.J. Ware Commissioner of Pensions.
Former payments covering any portion of the same time to be deducted.
Jan. 24, 1904
Pacific Branch, National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers,
(Form No. 59)
Soldiers' Home, Los Angeles Co, Cal.
Jan 29 , 1903 4
The Commissioner of Pensions,
Washington, D. C.
Very respectfully,
unreadable signature