Faneuff Family Photo Gallery

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Maxime Faneuff Maxime Faneuff, abt. 1908. tree
   at Menne Home
   Walbridge, Ohio 1907
   Photo collection of Alberta (Menne) Coons
Maxime Faneuff Maxime Faneuff tree
   Walbridge, OH
   Photo collection of Reba (Scott) Harris
Rose Emma Faneuff Rose Emma Faneuff with Mother,
   (H)Ermine (Beaugrand dit Champagne).
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
Peter Bogrand Peter Bogrand
   Born: Feb 1847
   Brother of Hermine (Bogrand) Faneuff
   Married Rose Mathilde Greenwood
Sisters Maxime & Ermine (Beaugrand) Faneuff's Daughters.
   left to right: Rose Emma, Delia, and Olive
   standing: Alice
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
Walbridge Faneuff/Scott Gathering, 1907. index
   at Ed & Olive (Faneuff) Scott's House
   Walbridge, Ohio 1907
   Photo collection of Alberta (Menne) Coons
Rose Emma Faneuff Rose Emma (Faneuff) Navarre. tree
   born: Dec 30, 1866 Tilbury Center, Ont.
   died: July 15, 1935 Toledo, Oh obit
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
stoop Back stoop, 280 Dearborn (Summer 1928)
   L-R: Celia (Navarre) Menne, R.B. Lloyd
   June Marie Lloyd, and Rose E. (Faneuff) Navarre
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
Garden Mr. & Mrs. William Navarre (about 1930)
   In their garden
   280 Dearborn, Toledo, Oh.
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
Emma Emma (Navarre) Faneuff (before 1895) tree
   born: April 09, 1872, Lucas Co., Oh.
   died: October 02, 1897, Walbridge, Lucas Co., Oh
   submitted: by Bettajoyce Faneuff Chio.
Garden Israel Lemuel Faneuff (Toledo 1940's) detail tree
   born: August 14, 1892, Walbridge, Oh.
   died: November 01, 1982, Livonia, Wayne Co., MI.
   submitted: by Bettajoyce Faneuff Chio.
Walbridge Four Generations
   L-R: 1 Alberta Menne, dau. of 2 Cecelia (Navarre) Menne,
   Gdau of 3 Maxime Faneuff (obit), father of 4 Rose Emma Navarre.
   from: Alberta's dau. Barbara (Coons) Rossington.
Faneuff Family Cecelia (Navarre) Menne and Menne Family
   Aunt Ceil standing over seated father-in-law
   Her daughter (Alberta) stands to his of Alberta
   submitted: by Barbara (Coons) Rossington.
Faneuff Family Grace S. (Sigler) Faneuff & Family (1902)
   L-R: Lydia Sigler, Grace S. (Sigler) Faneuff
   Clyde Edward Faneuff, Sr. (baby) and unknown lady.
   submitted: by Clyde Edward Faneuff, Jr.
Grace and Jess Mr. & Mrs. Lemuel William Faneuff (1940?)
   Grace (Sigler) Faneuff (1881-1944) tree obit
   Lemuel "Jess" William Faneuff (1878-1941) tree obit
   submitted: by Clyde Edward Faneuff, Jr.
Esther and Clyde Children of Lemuel William Faneuff (1923?)
   Esther Marie (Faneuff) Colyer (1905-1984) tree mem
   Clyde Edward Faneuff, Sr. (1902-1967) tree obit
   submitted: by Clyde Edward Faneuff, Jr.
Helen Mae (Mathis) Faneuff Helen Mae Mathis (1923) tree obit
   later Mrs. Clyde Edward Faneuff, Sr. (1905-1989)
   High School Graduation, Charleston, WV
   submitted: by Clyde Edward Faneuff, Jr.
1939 Bill & June Kutzke's Wedding Toledo, OH (26 Aug 1939)
   Jake Rechin (1877-1949) tree
   Olive (Faneuff) [Scott] Rechin (1872-1957) tree
   submitted: by June Marie (Lloyd) Kutzke.
4 Generations Four Generations Walbridge, OH (1940)
   Standing: Clyde Edward Faneuff, Sr.
   L-R: Lydia Sigler, Clyde, Jr. and Grace S. Faneuff
   submitted: by Clyde Edward Faneuff, Jr.
Clyde and Sue Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Edward Faneuff, Jr. tree
   Sue Curtistine Walker
   Lexington, KY
   submitted: by Clyde Edward Faneuff, Jr.
Henry Joseph Faneuff Henry Joseph Faneuff, Sr.
   born: 28 Jun 1876, Tilbury, Ont.
   died: 08 Sep 1966, Toledo, OH
Maxim Faneuff Maxim F. Faneuff tree
   born: July 1881, Tilbury, Ont.
   died: abt 21 May 1950, Rossford, OH
50th 50th Anniversary July 7, 2001 Cartoon
   Marilyn (Faneuff) Coehrs tree
   James Francis Coehrs tree
   Celebrations section, Toledo Blade Sunday, 29 Jul 2001.
John Robert Gaul John Robert Gaul
   born: 16 Aug 1928, Walbridge, Wood Co., OH
   died: 23 Mar 2007, Bay Park Community Hospital
   Obit: Toldeo Blade

Federal Census as of 2nd of April 1871 (Ontario Index) - National Archives of Canada


  Sex:            Male
  Age:            44
  Birthplace:     USA
  Religion:       Roman Catholic
  Origin:         FRENCH
  Occupation:     Farmer ( F )
  District:       ESSEX ( 001 )
  Sub-district:   Tilbury West ( N )
  Division:       1
  Page:           45
  Microfilm reel: C-9890
  Reference:      RG31 — Statistics Canada

  Sex:            Male
  Age:            43
  Birthplace:     QUE
  Religion:       Roman Catholic
  Origin:         FRENCH
  Occupation:     LAB
  District:       ESSEX ( 001 )
  Sub-district:   Tilbury West ( N )
  Division:       1
  Page:           7
  Microfilm reel: C-9890
  Reference:      RG31 — Statistics Canada

FANAFF, WILLIAM [b. 17 Apr 1842 d. 13 Feb 1909 m. 09 May 1871 Pauline Chevalier]tree
  Sex:            Male
  Age:            29
  Birthplace:     ONTARIO
  Religion:       Roman Catholic
  Origin:         FRENCH
  Occupation:     Farmer ( F )
  District:       ESSEX ( 001 )
  Sub-district:   Tilbury West ( N )
  Division:       1
  Page:           50
  Microfilm reel: C-9890
  Reference:      RG31 — Statistics Canada

FANAFF, FRANCIS [b. 5 Dec 1843 d. 8 Jun 1915 m. 28 Apr 1863 Marie Anne Chevalier]tree
  Sex:            Male
  Age:            27
  Birthplace:     ONTARIO
  Religion:       Roman Catholic
  Origin:         FRENCH
  Occupation:     LAB
  District:       ESSEX ( 001 )
  Sub-district:   Tilbury West ( N )
  Division:       1
  Page:           50
  Microfilm reel: C-9890
  Reference:      RG31 — Statistics Canada