Edith Pearl Lloyd Ripley Photo Gallery

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Lavina M. Benson Lavina Margaret Benson
   1st Wife of Cyrus Sing Lloyd
   Mother of Marshall, Edith, and William
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
Cyrus and Lavina Cyrus Sing and Lavina Margaret (Benson) Lloyd
   Parents of Marshall, Edith, and William
   submitted: by Charles Farrar Ripley.
Baby Alf Lloyds: Marshall, Pearl, William, and Alfred (1901)
   standing: Marshall Wesley (11), and Edith Pearl (9)
   seated: William (7) and baby Alfred
   submitted: by Marshall Burns Lloyd II
Goderich Family Portrait: Goderich, Ontario (c. 1910)
   For labeled version click here
   submitted: by Dora Lloyd Matzen
Cyrus and friend Cyrus Sing Lloyd and ?friend?
   submitted: by Dora Lloyd Matzen
Edith Pearl Lloyd Edith Pearl Lloyd (c. 1911)
   born: January 28, 1891 Calgary, Alberta
   died: October 18, 1962 Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
   submitted: by Charles Farrar Ripley
Edith Pearl (Lloyd) Ripley Edith Pearl (Lloyd) Ripley
   born: Jan 28, 1891 Calgary, Alberta
   died: Oct 18, 1962 Lethbridge, Alberta obituary
   submitted: by Joyce Edith (Ripley) McLennan
Margaret B. Ripley Margaret Benson Ripley (BEd. 1934)
   born: Oct 28, 1912 Lethbridge, Alberta
   died: Mar 24, 1998 , Alberta
   submitted: by Charles Ferrar Ripley
WEM 1946 Lethbridge, Alberta in 1946, detail
   L-R: William, Edith Pearl, and Marshall Lloyd
   children of Cyrus S. and Lavina M. (Benson) Lloyd
   submitted: by Blair Lloyd Ripley
Marsh and Nephews Lethbridge, Alberta in 1946
   Marshall W. Lloyd and his nephews
   L-R: Blair, Herbert, and Charles Ripley
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
Lloyds and Ripleys 1946 Lethbridge, Alberta in 1946
   foot: Herbert, Blair, Marsh, and Charles
   chair: Rachael and Edith ground: Patricia and Joyce
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
Blair and Flo Lethbridge, Alberta in 1946
   Blair Lloyd Ripley and his aunt
   Florence Edwidge (Allore) Lloyd
   submitted: by Blair Lloyd Ripley

Marshall Davies Lloyd mlloyd@sms-va.com