Marshall Burns Lloyd Photo Gallery

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MBL. Marshall Burns Lloyd
   born: Mar 10, 1858 St Paul, MN
   died: Aug 10, 1927 Menomninee, MI
   submitted: by Dora Lloyd Matzen
Emma Crosskill Mrs. Marshall Burns Lloyd and Mother (abt. 1900)
   Mary Ann (White) Crosskill
   Emma Crosskill
   (An Illustrated History of Collingwood Township, p. 216)
MB in later years. Marshall Burns Lloyd in later years
   submitted: by Dora Lloyd Matzen
MB Lloyd. Marshall Burns Lloyd
   Obituary and articles.
   submitted: by Marshall Davies Lloyd
MBL. Marshall Burns Lloyd in later years
   submitted: by Marshall Davies Lloyd
plaque Lakeview Cemetery, Meaford, Ont.
   dedicated to M.B.'s parents
   John and Margaret (Conmee) Lloyd
   submitted: by Marshall Davies Lloyd
MBL and Co. Marshall Burns Lloyd and Company
MBL. Lloyd Loom (c. 1917)
MBL. Lloyd Manufacturing Company, 1922
   Assembly of Baby Carriages:
   Inserting Wooden Frames Into Woven Bodies
MBL. Lloyd Manufacturing Company, 1922
   Menominee plant:
   Shaped and Flat Power Looms
MBL. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., 1922 Catalogue
   Sulky, Pullman Baby Carriage,
   Stroller, and Doll Buggy.
MBL. Marshall Burns Lloyd (c. 1923)
   photo from 1923 Article, Menominee Herald-Leader
   submitted: by Marshall Burns Lloyd II
1909 Cartoon Marshall Burns Lloyd (1909)
   The Daily Eagle-Star, Marinette, WI
   from: Local Celebrities of Marinette, WI and Menominee, MI
   submitted: by Cherie Erdlitz
Loom Tag Lloyd Loom Tag (c. 1922)
Loom Tag Lloyd Loom Tag
Loom Tag Lloyd Loom Logo
   Excerpts from American Wicker
   Excerpts from A Completed Century
Nicollet Lower Nicollet Island, Minneapolis, MN (1895)
   1898 site of White Mfg, later Lloyd Mfg
   Panoramic Maps, Library of Congress href=> Map of [ Yahoo! Maps ]
FAC The Lloyd Manufacturing Company
   Menominee, MI Plant
   Tour brochure
DEPT The Lloyd Department Store
   Menominee, MI
   News story.
1939 Catalog W. Lusty & Sons, Ltd. Catalog (April, 1939)
   London, England
   News story.
1923 Ad 1923 Ad "For Both Babies"
   Doll Carriage and Baby Carriage
   Heywood Wakefield
1934 Kem Weber's design (1934)
   Steel Tubular Furniture for Lloyd Manufacturing Company
   watercolor, silver tape, and graphite on board
   University Art Museum, UC Santa Barbara

  • "Canadian Patent for Lloyd Loom (#CA 206677)
  • Divorce from Margaret Isabella Reddington
  • Bureau of Land Management
  • Archaeology of Central Minneapolis Riverfront Current Manufacturers of Lloyd Loom products:

    Marshall Davies Lloyd