Mabel Ellen Lloyd Graham Photo Gallery

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Harriet Hunt Harriet Hunt: Lee Bros., 221 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, MNoriginalfamily tree
   2nd Wife of Cyrus Sing Lloyd
   Mother of Mabel Ellen Lloyd (later Graham)
   submitted: by by Norma Ellen (Graham) [Beeston] Major
MEG 1 Family Portrait: McCraken, Sykes St., Meaford, Ont. (1896)original
   Cyrus Sing and Harriet (Hunt) Lloyd (2nd wife)
   Mabel Ellen Lloyd b. July 15, 1896, Meaford, ONT
   submitted: by Norma Ellen (Graham) [Beeston] Major
Goderich Family Portrait: Goderich, Ontario (c. 1910)original
   For labeled version click here
   submitted: by Dora Lloyd Matzen
Mabel Lloyd Mabel Ellen Lloydoriginalfamily tree
   born: July 15, 1896 Meaford, Ont.
   died: January 30 1986 Cornwall, Ont.
   submitted: by Charles Farrar Ripley

Marshall Davies Lloyd