Marshall Wesley Lloyd Photo Gallery

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Lavina M. Benson Lavina Margaret Benson
   1st Wife of Cyrus Sing Lloyd
   Mother of Marshall, Edith, and William
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
Lavina and Cy Cyrus Sing and Lavina Margaret (Benson) Lloyd
   Parents of Marshall, Edith, and William
   submitted: by Charles Farrar Ripley.
Baby Alf Siblings: Marshall, Pearl, William, and Alfred (1901)
   standing: Marshall Wesley (11), and Edith Pearl (9)
   seated: William (7) and half-brother Alfred (infant)
   submitted: by Marshall Burns Lloyd II
Goderich Family Portrait: Goderich, Ontario (c. 1910)
   For labeled version click here
   submitted: by Dora Lloyd Matzen
M. W. Lloyd Marshall Wesley Lloyd
   born: Oct 29, 1889 Cavalier, Pembina Co., ND Terr. cert
   died: Nov 5, 1968 Toledo, OH obit
   submitted: by Charles Farrar Ripley
at 18 Rachael Marie Navarre at 18 (c. 1913)
   born: Dec 26, 1895 Walbridge, OH
   died: Oct 9 1969 Toledo, OH
   submitted: by June Marie (Lloyd) Kutzke
Marsh and Rae Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Wesley Lloyd (Oct 1915)
   married: Jan 19, 1915 Toledo, OH.
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
W. H. Lloyd William Howard Lloyd (c. 1920)
   born: Jul 3, 1916 Toledo, OH
   died: Oct 13, 1972 Cleveland, OH
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
Jun_Wm June and William Lloyd (c. 1921)
   1530 Mott Ave., Toledo, OH.
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
Jun_Wm June Marie Lloyd (1925)
   Mott Ave., Toledo, OH.
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
RBL Baby Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr. (1926)
   born: July 10, 1926 Toledo, OH
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
RBL Goat Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr. (Summer 1930)
   With Grandfather William Navarre
   Across the street from 280 Dearborn
   (Melnik's House in background)
W. H. Lloyd William Howard Lloyd (c. 1943) letter
   born: Jul 3, 1916 Toledo, OH
   died: Oct 13, 1972 Cleveland, OH
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
June Lloyd Kutzke June Marie (Lloyd) Kutzke (c. 1952)
   born: Jun 20, 1918 Toledo, OH
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
R. B. Lloyd Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr. (1944), photo album
   Senior Year, High School Picture
   born: July 10, 1926 Toledo, OH
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
WEM 1946 Lethbridge, Alberta in 1946, detail
   William John, Edith Pearl, and Marshall Wesley Lloyd
   children of Cyrus S. and Lavina M. (Benson) Lloyd
   submitted: by Charles Farrar Ripley
Ruth Bapt Ruth's Baptism (Early 1947)
   Robert B. Lloyd, Sr. and Wilma Hisschka
   Pastor John Slater, St. Lucas Church, Toledo
   submitted: by Robert B. Lloyd.
Oak Openings Rachael Marie (Navarre) Lloyd. (c. 1950)
   born: Dec 26, 1895 Walbridge, OH
   died: Oct 9 1969 Toledo, OH obit
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
R. B. Lloyd Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
   born: July 10, 1926 Toledo, OH
   submitted: by Marshall Davies Lloyd.    
ggjr Rachael, Ruth, June, and Marshall (c. 1952)
   2010 Robinwood, Toledo
   submitted: by Robert B. Lloyd.    
MDL Marshall Davies Lloyd (April 28, 1957)
   born: March 9, 1957
   Held by Grandparents, Mount Vernon, IA
   submitted: by Robert B. Lloyd.    
MDL Marshall and Bruce Lloyd (New Year's, 1958)
   Held by Grandparents
   submitted: by Robert B. Lloyd.    
Ruth Wed Ruth and Garland Bradshaw (Aug 18, 1973)
   submitted: by Robert B. Lloyd.    
Jun_Bill June Marie (Lloyd) Kutzke
   William Louis Kutzke
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.
Aunt June June Marie (Lloyd) Kutzke
   Mrs. William Louis Kutzke
   submitted: by Robert Bruce Lloyd, Sr.

Marshall Davies Lloyd