Watson, Samuel J. "Flexible Gender Roles During the Market Revolution: Family, Friendship, Marriage and Masculinity Among U.S. Army Officers 1815-1846." Journal of Social History 29.1 (Fall 1995): 81-106.

Note 46 Alexander Macomb to John De Barth Walbach, September 30, 1825, Macomb Papers, USMA. (Samuel J. Watson Rice Univ, Houston TX) "Colonel Alexander Macomb (the Commanding General from 1828 to 1841, who already had a son, wrote to Major John de Barth Walbach in 1825 criticizing severity as a method of child-rearing, specifically referring to Sylvanus Thayer's strict regulations as superintendant at West Point)."

Clements, William L. Clements Libray, University of Michigan, Anne Arbor.
Letter to Cass conserning a slave.