Princeton Alumni Weekly, December 6, 2000: Memorials


Born in Bay Head, N.J., July 20, 1913, Frenchie died at the Rush Hospice Northshore in Evanston, Ill., on July 8, 2000. He was 86.

He prepped for Princeton at Chicago's Latin School and the Hill School in Pottstown, Pa., where his membership in the band, orchestra, Glee Club, and choir heralded a lifelong love of music. At Princeton he majored in mechanical engineering for two years, then switched to economics. Again, music was his prime extracurricular activity.

After graduation, Frenchie worked for three years in Inland Steel's mills in East Chicago, Ind. At night, he took ferrous metallurgical engineering courses at Chicago's Illinois Inst. of Tech. Inland management noticed, and he was promoted to headquarters. Then, WWII broke out; his Princeton ROTC years were noted, and Frenchie spent a year in active service in the US, two in Panama, and two in Europe. He was decorated five times: twice by the US government, twice by France, and once by the USSR.

Frenchie married Marjorie R. Street in 1951 [b. 17 Nov 1913]. They settled in Winnetka, Ill., and he completed a 44-year career at Inland. Then, the Macombs traveled, indulging a joint interest in photography and birdwatching and (in Frenchie's case) increased volunteerism, especially in projects that involved abused or neglected children). Marj died in [November 26,] 1997. There are no descendants.

The Class of 1935

MARJORIE (STREET) MACOMB                  
 SSN: 358-05-5556  Residence: 60093  Winnetka, Cook, IL
Born: 17 Nov 1913       Died: 26 Nov 1997
         Issued:  IL (Before 1951)

Princeton Alumni Weekly, September 13, 2000: Class Notes


Joseph C. Hazen Jr.

RFD 172

Edgartown, MA 02539


IN MEMORIAM. RICHARD M. BOSARD, Feb. 6, 1913-May 4, 2000; HARRY A. BROOKS, Feb. 19, 1913-June 2, 2000; EDWIN S. CARNEY II, May 2, 1913-June 4, 2000; JOHN DE NAVARRE MACOMB JR., July 30, 1913-July 18, 2000; WILLIAM G. MOULTON, Feb. 5, 1914-June 2, 2000.

Princeton Alumni Weekly, May 19, 1999: Class Notes

64TH REUNION. Class dinner: Fri., May 28 at 5 P.M. in Stevenson Hall, 91 Prospect St., preceded by an executive committee meeting at 3 P.M. and a reception at 4 P.M. ($45). P-rade: Saturday at 1:30 P.M., preceded by a box lunch and wine at noon with the Classes of '36 and '37 in the garden at the rear of Maclean House, next to the front campus ($15). Saturday dinner: The class has been invited to join '36 at Betty Constable's home, 10 Orchard Circle in Princeton ($36). Questions? Call reunion chairman Eldon Earle, 609-921-7542.
OINK, OINK. Navarre Macomb of Winnetka, Ill., has submitted a placemat he apparently swiped from a Chinese restaurant. It features the Chinese zodiac listing the characteristics that Buddha ascribed to those born in each of the years from 1900 to 2007. Born in 1935, the class will be distressed to learn that that was the "Year of the Pig," but will feel better about the character of its constituency: "Gallant and chivalrous, great inner strength, few but lasting friendships."
Y2K REUNION. Next year's 65th reunion began to take shape in mid-March when eight classmates met at the New York Princeton Club to make plans and divvy up chores. Present were Tom Flynn, president and reunion chairman, Dinny Dinsmore, Eldon Earle, Joe Hazen, Jane Northwood, Hugh Sweeny, Charlie Trexler, and Bob Winters. The meeting's main decision was that the scene of most of '35's reunion activities would be Princeton's Nassau Club. At lunchtime the reunion planners were joined by 10 others who helped make a mini-reunion of the occasion: George Boynton, Dorothy and Jack Brown, Ruth Earle, Harriet Flynn, Margaret and Julian Gregory, Marian Hazen, Walter Kemp and Jane's son, Steve.
IN MEMORIAM: Arthur D. Reeve of Rockville, Md., Jan. 14, 1913 - Mar. 19, 1999.