Drawer ------------------------------------------------------------------- XIX: ACLS Brisish Manuscript Project XIX: American Antiquarium Society XXI: American Fur Company (New York Historical Society) XX: American-Indian National, Records (Library of Congress) XIX: American Philosophical Society XIX: Amherst Papers (British Museum) VII: Arkansas Trading House, Letterbook (NA M142) XIX: Askin Papers (Burton Collection) XIX: Ayer Manuscripts (Friends Historical Library)
XIX: Baker Papers (Burton Collection) XIX: Bancroft Library (University of California) XIX: Barthe, Charles Andre (Burton Collection) XX: Beach, John, Letterbook (Library of Congress) XXII: Beach, Wood R. , Papers (New York Public Library)
XXXI: Behen, Dorothy M.: The Captivity Story in Literature XXII: Blinn Family Papers (Ohio Historical Society) XX: Boundary Lines (Library of Congress) XIX: Bouquet Collection (British Museum) XXI: Boutwell Journals (Minnesota Historical Society)XXI XIX: British MuseumXIX XX: Broadsides, New York (Library of Congress) XIX: Bradstreet, Col. John (American Antiquarium Society) XIX: Brown, Jacob Phelps (Massachusetts Historical Society) XIX: Burch, R.: Louis Loremier (University of California) XXII: Burnett Day Book (New York Historical Society) XIX: Burton Historical Collection (Detroit Public Library)
XIX: Campau Papers (Burton Collection) XIX: Canada Public Archives XIX: Carmichael Journal (Huntington Library) XXI: Carmichael Journal (Pennsylvania Historical Society, from Huntington) XIX: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh XIX: Cass Papers (Burton Collection) XV: Centinel of the Northwestern Territory XIX: Chaboilley Journal (Public Archives of Canada) XXI: Chalmers Papers (New York Public Library) X: Chicago Agency: Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs(NA M234) XIX: Chicago Ethnohistory Collection XIX: Chicago Ethnohistory Collection (American Philosophical Society) XIX: Chicago Factory Waste Book (Chicago Ethnohistory Collection) XIX: Chicago Indents (Chicago Ethnohistory Collection) XIX: Chicago Historical Society X: Chippewa Agency: Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs (NA M234) XX: Clark, William, Papers (Kansas Historical Society) XXI: Clark, William, Papers (Missouri Historical Society) XXII: Clarke Papers (Ohio Historical Society) XIX: Clements Library (University of Michigan) II: Confidential and Unofficial Letters Sent (NA M7) X: Continental Congress, Papers of (NA M247) XIII: COP Treaty, 1821 XXII: Croghan, George, Papers (New York Public Library) X: Crow Wing Agency: Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs (NA M234)
X,XI: Dakota Superintendency: Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs (NA M234) XIX: Detroit Public Library XXX,XXII XXIII, XXIX: Draper Manuscripts(Wisconsin Historical Society) XIX: Duggan Journal (Clements Library) XX: Dunn: Indian Names (Indiana State Library) XIX: De Lery Journals
XXII: Edgar, William, Papers (New York Public Library) XIX: Elicott, George, and Gerard Hopkins: Visit to the Deleware, Miami, and Eel River XIX: Indians (Friends Historical Library) XXI: Ely Journals (Minnesota Historical Society) XX: Etherington to Gladwin (Library of Congress) XIX: Factory Office Memo Book (Chicago Ethnohistory Collection) XIX: Filson Club XXI: Force, John, Diary (New Jersey Historical Society) XXI: Forsyth Papers (Missouri Historical Society) XI: Fort Wayne Agency: Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs (NA M234) XX: French Reproductions (Library of Congress) XIX: Friends Historical Library
XIX: Gage, Papers, American Series (Clements Library) XXII: Gist, Thomas, Journal of Captivity (Pennsylvania Historical Society) XXI: Graham, R., Papers (Missouri Historical Society) XI: Green Bay Agency: Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs (NA M234) XX: Gregory, C.E. (University of Illinois) XIX: Haldimand Papers (British Museum) XIX: Hamtramck Papers (Burton Collection) XIX: Harmar Papers (Clements Library) XXII: Harmon, Elias, Diary (Western Reserve Historical Society) XXI: Hickerson Documents (Minnesota Historical Society) XXII: Hickerson Documents (Wisconsin Historical Society) XXI: Hildreth Papers, selected (Marietta College Library) XIX: Hopkins, Gerard, and George Ellicott: Visit to the Delawares, Miami, and Eel River Indians (Friends Historical Library) XIX: Hunter, George, Journals (American Philosophical Society) XIX: Huntington Library XXII: Hutchins Papers (Pennsylvania Historical Society) XX: Illinois Herald, Illinois Intelligencer, Western Intelligencer (Library of Congress)
XX: Illinois State Historical Library XX: Illinois, University of V, VI: Indian Affairs, Office of, Letters Sent (NA M21) III,IV,V: Indian Affairs, Office of, Registers of Letters Received (NA M18) XIX: Indian Trade, Superintendent of, Letterbooks (Chicago Ethnohistory Collection) III: Indian Trade, Superintendent of, Letters Sent (NA M16) XX: Indiana Historical Society XIII: Indiana Indians: Selected Letters Received, 1808 (Lundin) XX: Indiana State Library XXI: Jefferson Papers (Massachusetts Historical Society) XIX: Johnston Papers (Burton Collection) XXII: Johnston Papers (Ohio Historical Society)
XX: Kansas Historical Society XX: Kaskaskia Indiana (Illinois Historical Society) XIX: Kirby Papers (Burton Collection) XXXII: Klamath and Modoc Tribes and Yahooskin Band of Snake Indians vs. the U.S. XXI: Knox, Henry, Papers (Massachusetts Historical Society) XI: LaPointe Agency: Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs (NA M234) XIX: Larned Papers (Burton Collection) XX: Library of Congress (incl. French reproductions) XIX: Loremier, Louis, by R. Burch (University of California) XIX: Love, James Young, Papers (Filson Club) XIII: Lundin Microfilm: Indiana Indians
XIX: Mackinac Agency Letterbook, Letters Received (Chicago Ethnohistory Collection) XI: Mackinac Agency: Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs (NA M234) XIX: Margry Translation (Detroit Public Library) XXI: Marietta College Library XXI: Massachusetts Historical Society XIX: Masson Collection (Public Archives, Canada) XXXII: Mayer-Oakes, William J.: Fort Ancient Relationships to the Late Prehistoric occupation of the Late Prehistoric Occupation of the Upper Ohio Valley XX: Menard Family Papers (Illinois Historical Society) XX: Miami Revolt, 1748-1752 (University of Illinois) I,II: Michigan Superintendency of Indian Affairs, 1814-1851(NA M1) XI: Michigan Superintendency: Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs (NA M234) XXXVI: Microfilm Supplies II: Military Affairs, Letters Sent (NA M6) XXI: Minnesota Historical Society XI: Minnesota Superintendency: Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs (NA M234) XXI: Missouri Historical Society XIX: Morgan, Col. George, Letterbook (Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh) XIX: Murray Papers (British Museum)
I,II,III,IV,V,VI, VII,VIII, IX,X,XI, XII,XIII National Archives XIX: Navarre Papers (Burton Collection) XXI: New Jersey Historical Society XXI,XXII: New York Historical Society XXII: New York Public Library XV,XVI,XVII,XVIII, XXV,XXVI,XXVII, XXXIII: Newspapers XXII: Notre Dame University Archives-Holy Cross Papers XXII: Ohio Historical Society XXII: Ohio Historical and Philosophical Society XX: O'Reilly's Western Mementos (Library of Congress)
XXII: Paine, Edward, Settlement of the Western Reserve (Western Reserve Historical Society) XX: Paris Archives (Library of Congress) XXI: Parkman Papers (Massachusetts Historical Society) XXII: Parrish, John, Diary (Pennsylvania Historical Society) XX: Penn Manuscripts (Library of Congress) XXII: Pennsylvania Historical Society XXII: Phelps, John Wolcott, Papers (New York Public Library) XX: Pickering, Timothy, Papers (Library of Congress) XXI: Pickering, Timothy, Papers (Massachusetts Historical Society) XI: Pima and Piqua Agencies: Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs (NA M234)
XV,XVI,XVII,XVIII, XXIV,XXV,XXVI, XXVII: Pittsburgh Gazette and Pittsburgh Post XIX: Porteous, John, Diary (Burton Collection) XIX: Post-Revolutionary War Files, War Department (Chicago Ethnohistory Collection) XIX: Potawatomi Annuity Rolls (Chicago Historical Society) XII: Prairie du Chien Agency: Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs (NA M234) XXI: Putnam Papers, selected (Marietta College Library) XIX: Potier, Pierre, Les Itineraires Conserves
XIX: Rivard Family Papers, 1749-1890 XX: Reservations, 1814-1832 (Illinois Historical Society) XXII: Rogers, Robert, Papers (New York Public Library) XIII: RG 75-NIS XIII: RG 75: Letters Received by the Office of the Secretary of War, 1806-1825 (selected) XIII: RG 75: Selected Documents XII: Sac and Fox Agency Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs (NA M234) XX: Sac and Fox Nation (Library of Congress) XII: Sandy Lake Agency: Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs (NA M234) XXI: Sargent Papers (Massachusetts Historical Society) XXVIII, XXXIII: Scioto Gazette III: Secretary of War, Letters Sent Relating to Indian Affairs (NA M15) VI,VII,VIII: Secretary of War, Registers of Letters Received (NA M22) VIII,IX: Secretary of War, Letters Received, Registered Series (NA M221) IX,X: Secretary of War, Letters Received, Unregistered Series (NA M222) XIII: Secretary of War, Letters Received relating to Indians (selected), 1810-11 XIX: Secretary of War, Letterbooks (Chicago Ethnohistory Collection) XIII: Secretary of War, Reports to Congress T-13 XXII: Settlement of the Western Reserve, by Edward Paine (Western Reserve Historical Society) XXXIII: Shastas and Their Neighbors XIX: Shelby, Isaac, Papers (Filson Club) XXI: Sibley and Rice Papers (Minnesota Historical Society) XXII: Smith, Col. J. , Papers (Ohio Historical Society)
XX: Smith, William Henry, Library (Indian-Historical Society) XXXII: Spanish Archives, 1768-1782 (Cunningham Archives) XX: St. Louis Gazette (Library of Congress) XII: St. Louis Superintendency: Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs (NA M234) XII: St Peter's Agency: Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs (NA M234)
XXI: Taliaferro, Laurence, Journal (Minnesota Historical Society) XIX: Taylor, James, Papers (Filson Club) VIII: Territorial Papers of the U.S. Senate (NA M200) XXI: Title Records (New Jersey Historical Society) XIX: Trowbridge Papers (Burton Collection) XXXII: United States Court of Claims XIX: Vaudreuil Material (Huntington Library)
XXII: Walker Journal (Pennsylvania Historical Society XXII: Wayne Papers (Pennsylvania Historical Society) XX: Western Reserve - Connecticut Land Co. Papers (Library of Congress) XXII: Western Reserve Historical Society XXXIII: Western Sun and General Advertiser XIX: Wilkins, John, Journal (Clements Library) XIX: William, John R., Papers (Burton Collection) XIX: William, Thomas, Papers (Burton Collection) XII,XIII Winnebago Agency: Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs (NA M234) XIII: Winnebago, 1837 Treaty (RG 75-NIS 404) XXII,XXVIII XXIX,XXX: Wisconsin Historical Society XIII: Wisconsin Superintendency: Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs (NA M234) XIX: Woodbridge Papers (Burton Collection) XXII: Yeates Collection (Pennsylvania Historical Society)XXII XII: Zeisberger, David, Papers (Ohio Historical Society)XXII