Ohio Valley-Great Lakes Ethnohistory Archive
Microfilm Collection

The Microfilm Collection contains numerous reels obtained from the National Archives and Library of Congress, including the Office of Indian Affairs Register of letters sent and received, Indian Agency Records of the office of Indian Affairs and the Secretary of War, and microfilm copies of archival collections and papers from various private and state historical societies. There are approximately one thousand microfilm reels stored in four microfilm cabinets. The collection is almost completely indexed with entries referring to tribes, individuals, and lands. A small number of reels are not itemized and these are noted where they occur in the microfilm index. The reels are arranged in numbered drawers by source and/or subject matter.

XIX:        ACLS Brisish Manuscript Project 																									
XIX:        American Antiquarium Society                                                         
XXI:        American Fur Company (New York Historical Society)                     
XX:         American-Indian National, Records (Library of Congress)               
XIX:        American Philosophical Society                                                       
XIX:        Amherst Papers (British Museum)                                                    
VII:        Arkansas Trading House, Letterbook (NA M142)                            
XIX:        Askin Papers (Burton Collection)                                                    
XIX:        Ayer Manuscripts (Friends Historical Library)  
XIX:       Baker Papers (Burton Collection)                                                    
XIX:       Bancroft Library (University of California)
XIX:       Barthe, Charles Andre (Burton Collection)
XX:        Beach, John, Letterbook (Library of Congress)
XXII:      Beach, Wood R. , Papers (New York Public Library)
XXXI:      Behen, Dorothy M.: The Captivity Story in Literature
XXII:      Blinn Family Papers (Ohio Historical Society)
XX:        Boundary Lines (Library of Congress)
XIX:       Bouquet Collection (British Museum)
XXI:       Boutwell Journals (Minnesota Historical Society)XXI
XIX:       British MuseumXIX
XX:        Broadsides, New York (Library of Congress)
XIX:       Bradstreet, Col. John (American Antiquarium Society)
XIX:       Brown, Jacob Phelps (Massachusetts Historical Society)
XIX:       Burch, R.: Louis Loremier (University of California)
XXII:      Burnett Day Book (New York Historical Society)
XIX:       Burton Historical Collection (Detroit Public Library)
XIX:       Campau Papers (Burton Collection)
XIX:       Canada Public Archives
XIX:       Carmichael Journal (Huntington Library)
XXI:       Carmichael Journal (Pennsylvania Historical Society, from Huntington)
XIX:       Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
XIX:       Cass Papers (Burton Collection)
XV:        Centinel of the Northwestern Territory
XIX:       Chaboilley Journal (Public Archives of Canada)
XXI:       Chalmers Papers (New York Public Library)
X:         Chicago Agency: Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs(NA M234)
XIX:       Chicago Ethnohistory Collection
XIX:       Chicago Ethnohistory Collection (American Philosophical Society)
XIX:       Chicago Factory Waste Book (Chicago Ethnohistory Collection)
XIX:       Chicago Indents (Chicago Ethnohistory Collection)
XIX:       Chicago Historical Society
X:         Chippewa Agency: Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs 
             (NA M234)
XX:        Clark, William, Papers (Kansas Historical Society)
XXI:       Clark, William, Papers (Missouri Historical Society)
XXII:      Clarke Papers (Ohio Historical Society)
XIX:       Clements Library (University of Michigan)
II:        Confidential and Unofficial Letters Sent (NA M7)
X:         Continental Congress, Papers of (NA M247)
XIII:      COP Treaty, 1821
XXII:      Croghan, George, Papers (New York Public Library)
X:         Crow Wing Agency: Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs
             (NA M234)
X,XI:      Dakota Superintendency: Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs 
             (NA M234)
XIX:       Detroit Public Library
XXIX:      Draper Manuscripts(Wisconsin Historical Society)      
XIX:       Duggan Journal (Clements Library)
XX:        Dunn: Indian Names (Indiana State Library)
XIX:       De Lery Journals
XXII:      Edgar, William, Papers (New York Public Library)
XIX:       Elicott, George, and Gerard Hopkins: Visit to the Deleware, Miami, and 
           Eel River
XIX:       Indians (Friends Historical Library)
XXI:       Ely Journals (Minnesota Historical Society)
XX:        Etherington to Gladwin (Library of Congress)
XIX:       Factory Office Memo Book (Chicago Ethnohistory Collection)
XIX:       Filson Club
XXI:       Force, John, Diary (New Jersey Historical Society)
XXI:       Forsyth Papers (Missouri Historical Society)
XI:        Fort Wayne Agency: Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs
						(NA M234)
XX:        French Reproductions (Library of Congress)
XIX:       Friends Historical Library
XIX:       Gage, Papers, American Series (Clements Library)
XXII:      Gist, Thomas, Journal of Captivity (Pennsylvania Historical Society)
XXI:       Graham, R., Papers (Missouri Historical Society)
XI:         Green Bay Agency: Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs 
             (NA M234)
XX:        Gregory, C.E. (University of Illinois)
XIX:       Haldimand Papers (British Museum)
XIX:       Hamtramck Papers (Burton Collection)
XIX:       Harmar Papers (Clements Library)
XXII:      Harmon, Elias, Diary (Western Reserve Historical Society)
XXI:       Hickerson Documents (Minnesota Historical Society)
XXII:      Hickerson Documents (Wisconsin Historical Society)
XXI:       Hildreth Papers, selected (Marietta College Library)
XIX:       Hopkins, Gerard, and George Ellicott: Visit to the Delawares, Miami, and 
             Eel River Indians (Friends Historical Library) 
XIX:       Hunter, George, Journals (American Philosophical Society)
XIX:       Huntington Library 
XXII:      Hutchins Papers (Pennsylvania Historical Society) 
XX:        Illinois Herald, Illinois Intelligencer, Western Intelligencer
            (Library of Congress)
XX:        Illinois State Historical Library
XX:        Illinois, University of
V, VI:     Indian Affairs, Office of, Letters Sent (NA M21)
III,IV,V:  Indian Affairs, Office of, Registers of Letters Received (NA M18)       
XIX:       Indian Trade, Superintendent of, Letterbooks 
            (Chicago Ethnohistory Collection)
III:       Indian Trade, Superintendent of, Letters Sent (NA M16)
XX:        Indiana Historical Society
XIII:      Indiana Indians: Selected Letters Received, 1808 (Lundin)
XX:        Indiana State Library
XXI:       Jefferson Papers (Massachusetts Historical Society)
XIX:       Johnston Papers (Burton Collection)
XXII:      Johnston Papers (Ohio Historical Society)
XX:        Kansas Historical Society
XX:        Kaskaskia Indiana (Illinois Historical Society)
XIX:       Kirby Papers (Burton Collection)
XXXII:     Klamath and Modoc Tribes and Yahooskin Band of Snake 
           Indians vs. the U.S.
XXI:       Knox, Henry, Papers (Massachusetts Historical Society)
XI:         LaPointe Agency: Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs 
           (NA M234)
XIX:      Larned Papers (Burton Collection)
XX:       Library of Congress (incl. French reproductions)
XIX:      Loremier, Louis, by R. Burch (University of California)
XIX:      Love, James Young, Papers (Filson Club)
XIII:     Lundin Microfilm: Indiana Indians
XIX:       Mackinac Agency Letterbook, Letters Received
            (Chicago Ethnohistory Collection)
XI:        Mackinac Agency: Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs 
             (NA M234)
XIX:       Margry Translation (Detroit Public Library)
XXI:       Marietta College Library
XXI:       Massachusetts Historical Society
XIX:       Masson Collection (Public Archives, Canada)
XXXII:     Mayer-Oakes, William J.: Fort Ancient Relationships to the
                 Late Prehistoric occupation of the Late Prehistoric Occupation 
                 of the Upper Ohio Valley
XX:        Menard Family Papers (Illinois Historical Society)
XX:        Miami Revolt, 1748-1752 (University of Illinois)
I,II:      Michigan Superintendency of Indian Affairs, 1814-1851(NA M1)
XI:        Michigan Superintendency: Letters Received by the Office of 
           Indian Affairs (NA M234)
XXXVI:     Microfilm Supplies            
II:        Military Affairs, Letters Sent (NA M6)
XXI:       Minnesota Historical Society
XI:        Minnesota Superintendency: Letters Received by the Office 
           of Indian Affairs (NA M234)
XXI:       Missouri Historical Society
XIX:       Morgan, Col. George, Letterbook (Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh) 
XIX:       Murray Papers (British  Museum)
XII,XIII   National Archives         
XIX:       Navarre Papers (Burton Collection)
XXI:       New Jersey Historical Society
XXI,XXII:  New York Historical Society   
XXII:      New York Public Library
XXXIII:    Newspapers
XXII:      Notre Dame University Archives-Holy Cross Papers
XXII:      Ohio Historical Society
XXII:      Ohio Historical and Philosophical Society
XX:        O'Reilly's Western Mementos (Library of Congress)
XXII:           Paine, Edward, Settlement of the Western Reserve 
                 (Western Reserve Historical Society)
XX:             Paris Archives (Library of Congress) 
XXI:            Parkman Papers (Massachusetts Historical Society) 
XXII:           Parrish, John, Diary (Pennsylvania Historical Society)
XX:             Penn Manuscripts (Library of Congress) 
XXII:           Pennsylvania Historical Society
XXII:           Phelps, John Wolcott, Papers (New York Public Library) 
XX:             Pickering, Timothy, Papers (Library of Congress) 
XXI:            Pickering, Timothy, Papers (Massachusetts Historical Society) 
XI:              Pima and Piqua Agencies: Letters Received by the Office of 
								 Indian Affairs (NA M234)
XXVII:           Pittsburgh Gazette and Pittsburgh Post
XIX:             Porteous, John, Diary (Burton Collection)
XIX:             Post-Revolutionary War Files, War Department 
                   (Chicago Ethnohistory Collection) 
XIX:             Potawatomi Annuity Rolls (Chicago Historical Society)
XII:             Prairie du Chien Agency: Letters Received by the Office of 
                   Indian Affairs (NA M234) 
XXI:             Putnam Papers, selected (Marietta College Library)
XIX:             Potier, Pierre, Les Itineraires Conserves
XIX:             Rivard Family Papers, 1749-1890
XX:              Reservations, 1814-1832 (Illinois Historical Society)
XXII:            Rogers, Robert, Papers (New York Public Library)
XIII:            RG 75-NIS
XIII:            RG 75: Letters Received by the Office of the Secretary of War, 
                  1806-1825 (selected)
XIII:            RG 75: Selected Documents
XII:             Sac and Fox Agency Letters Received by the Office of 
                  Indian Affairs (NA M234)
XX:              Sac and Fox Nation (Library of Congress)
XII:             Sandy Lake Agency: Letters Received by the Office of 
                   Indian Affairs (NA M234)
XXI:             Sargent Papers (Massachusetts Historical Society)
XXXIII:           Scioto Gazette         
III:              Secretary of War, Letters Sent Relating to Indian Affairs (NA M15)
VI,VII,VIII:      Secretary of War, Registers of Letters Received (NA M22)              
VIII,IX:          Secretary of War, Letters Received, Registered Series (NA M221)           
IX,X:             Secretary of War, Letters Received, Unregistered Series (NA M222)
XIII:             Secretary of War, Letters Received relating to Indians 
                   (selected), 1810-11
XIX:              Secretary of War, Letterbooks (Chicago Ethnohistory Collection)
XIII:              Secretary of War, Reports to Congress T-13
XXII:             Settlement of the Western Reserve, by Edward Paine 
                   (Western Reserve Historical Society)
XXXIII:          Shastas and Their Neighbors       
XIX:             Shelby, Isaac, Papers (Filson Club)
XXI:             Sibley and Rice Papers (Minnesota Historical Society)
XXII:            Smith, Col. J. , Papers (Ohio Historical Society)
XX:              Smith, William Henry, Library (Indian-Historical Society)
XXXII:           Spanish Archives, 1768-1782 (Cunningham Archives)
XX:              St. Louis Gazette (Library of Congress)
XII:             St. Louis Superintendency: Letters Received by the Office of 
                    Indian Affairs (NA M234)
XII:             St Peter's Agency: Letters Received by the Office of 
                    Indian Affairs (NA M234)
XXI:             Taliaferro, Laurence, Journal (Minnesota Historical Society)
XIX:             Taylor, James, Papers (Filson Club)
VIII:            Territorial Papers of the U.S. Senate (NA M200)
XXI:             Title Records (New Jersey Historical Society)
XIX:             Trowbridge Papers (Burton Collection)
XXXII:           United States Court of Claims
XIX:             Vaudreuil Material (Huntington Library)
XXII:            Walker Journal (Pennsylvania Historical Society
XXII:            Wayne Papers (Pennsylvania Historical Society)
XX:              Western Reserve - Connecticut Land Co. Papers (Library of Congress)
XXII:            Western Reserve Historical Society
XXXIII:          Western Sun and General Advertiser         
XIX:             Wilkins, John, Journal (Clements Library)
XIX:             William, John R., Papers (Burton Collection) 
XIX:             William, Thomas, Papers (Burton Collection)
XII,XIII         Winnebago Agency: Letters Received by the Office of 
                    Indian Affairs (NA M234)      
XIII:            Winnebago, 1837 Treaty (RG 75-NIS 404)
XXIX,XXX:        Wisconsin Historical Society
XIII:            Wisconsin Superintendency: Letters Received by the Office of 
                     Indian Affairs (NA M234)
XIX:             Woodbridge Papers (Burton Collection)
XXII:            Yeates Collection (Pennsylvania Historical Society)XXII
XII:             Zeisberger, David, Papers (Ohio Historical Society)XXII

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Last updated: July 31, 1996
Copyright 1996, Glenn Black Laboratory of Archaeology and The Trustees of Indiana University