Date: | Subject: | Images of Documents: |
abt Feb, 1853 | MC: Robert H. Navarre + Susan Moore. | Page 1 |
Feb 16, 1853 | Susanne Navarre's affidavit. | Page 1 2 3 4 |
Feb 21, 1853 | Antoine Sargent's affidavit. | Page 1 2 |
Feb 24, 1853 | Affidavit of Laurent Durocher. | Page 1 2 |
Feb 25, 1853 | Certification for A. D. Anderson. | Page 1 |
May 3, 1853 | Notes on case. | Page 1 |
Jul 19, 1853 | Josephs Poupard and Dousseau affidavits. | Page 1 2 |
Aug 11, 1853 | Certificate of A. D. Anderson. | Page 1 |
Sep 23, 1853 | No 162452 Re-examined. | Page 1 |
Nov 23, 1853 | No 162452 Re-examined. | Page 1 |
abt Mar 1854 | Cover letter for affidavits. | Page 1 2 3 |
Mar 13, 1854 | Susanna, James, and Peter Navarre's affidavits. | Page 1 2 3 4 5 |
Mar 15, 1854 | Certification for above affidavits. | Page 1 |
Mar 31, 1854 | Briefs regarding James H. and Susannah Navarre. | Page 1 2 |
May 1, 1854 | Warrants for D. A. Noble, Hse of Reps. | Page 1 |
Oct 10, 1872 | Susan Navarre, S. Plumey, and I. K. Seaman. | Page 1 2 3 |
Oct 10, 1872 | Peter Navarre's affidavit regarding Robert. | Page 1 2 |
Oct 11, 1872 | McMahan's cover letter for Oct. affidavits. | Page 1 2 |
Oct 15, 1872 | Warrant No. 9.508; J.A.S.Index | Page 1 |
abt Feb, 1873 | No rolls for Capt. Beaugrand. | Page 1 |
Feb 7, 1873 | Parol of Service. | Page 1 |
Feb 25, 1873 | Treas. Dept.; no rolls of Capt. Beaugrand. | Page 1 |
Feb 28, 1873 | DOI to Susan's atty: no Capt. Beaugrand. | Page 1 |
Apr 30, 1873 | Peter Navarre's additional affidavit. | Page 1 2 3 |
May 12, 1873 | McMahan cover for Peter's additional affidavit. | Page 1 |
May 17, 1873 | BLD Service in Capt. Steven's Co. | Page 1 |
May 28, 1873 | Examiner's rejection of pension. | Page 1 |
May 31, 1873 | 1st Review of Examiner's Rejection. | Page 1 |
Jun 7, 1873 | Rejection of claim. | Page 1 |
Jun 10, 1873 | 2nd Review of Examiner's Rejection. | Page 1 |
Jun 11, 1873 | Dept. of Interior Marriage Circular. | Page 1 2 |
Jun 17, 1873 | Peter Navarre's affidavit regarding marriage. | Page 1 2 |
Jun 17, 1873 | Robert F. Navarre's affidavit. | Page 1 2 |
Jun 20, 1873 | Susan's Atty. to Dept. of Interior | Page 1 2 |
Jun 26, 1873 | Pension approved | Page 1 |
Jul 1, 1873 | Widows' Pension Cert. No. 5395 | Page 1 |
Mar 11, 1897 | Robt. H. Navarre's Service Record | Page 1 |
Feb 19, 1920 | Exr: R.S.M. 2-19-20 | Page 1 |
Aug 06, 1987 | Order for copies of Veterans Records | Page 1 |
June 14, 1815
Certified copy abt. Feb. 1853
Susan and Robert H. Navarre's Marriage Certificate
THESE are to Certify, That Robert Navarre and Susan Maure Moore have been LAWFULLY MARRIED at Riviere aux Raisins by me the undersigned, on this day the fourteenth of June in the year of our Lord, one thousand eighty hundred and fifteen.
Rector of ST. ANNE, of Detroit. |
February 16, 1853
Bounty Land Files: App. # 9508; Cert. # 5395
Affidavit of Susanne Navarre
Marginal vertical gloss: Please forward to my care at Monroe, Michigan==A.D. Anderson
---end of page three---
The State of Ohio Ottawa County | } | SS |
I, Sylvester A. Smith, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas within and for the County of Ottawa and State of Ohio do here by certify that Henry Delong whose name appears to the within certificate is and was at the time of signing the same an acting justice of the peace in and for said County duly commissioned by the laws of said state and that his official note are entitled to full credit and lawful authority and that I am well acquainted with the handwriting of the said Henry Delong and believe his signature to the within certificate to be genuine.
In witness whereof, I hereunto set my name officially and affix the seal of said County of said County this 21st day of Feby. AD 1853
Mrs. Susan Navarre
Widow of Robert H.
February 21, 1853
Affidavit of Antoine Sargent
State of Michigan County of Monroe | } SS |
On this 21st day of February 1853, personally appeared before me, a Justice of the peace in & for the said county, Antoine Sargent aged seventy years & resident of said county who being duly sworn according to law declares that he is the identical Antoine Sargent who was a private in the company commanded by Captn. Jobin Jobean in the 2d Regiment ^of Militia Militia Militia volunteers Commanded by Colonel Anderson in the war with Great Britain declared by the United States on the 18th day of June 1812, that he volunteered at the River Raisin on or ^about the first of May 1812 for the term of the war and actually served until the 16th of August 1812, when he was captured a prisoner of war, by the capitulation of General Hull--at the stockade at the River Raisin and thereupon remained such prisoner of war until the month of 18th day of January 1813. When he attached himself to the forces under Col. Lewis, at the River Raisin & took part under Lewis in the engagements at that point on the 19th & 22d day of January 1813 against the British & Indians--& on the defeat & capture of Genl. Winchester & Col. Lewis on the 22d of January he, deponent with many others, escaped to Lower Sandusky--Ohio--& from there repaired to Fort Meigs & then attached himself to the forces under Genl. Harrison--and continued in actual service under him & in a company of spies-- and on or about the ninth of August 1813, when he joined Col. R. M. Johnson Regt. of Horse & marched with him in advance, as said company of spies, without any particular captain to Detroit & so on to the River themes and was finally honorably discharged at Detroit on or about the 15th of October 1813--for all of which he has received a land warrant for 160 acres of Land No. 20044. Deponent states that he was well---end page 5---acquainted with Robert Hutro Navarre, deceased, the husband of Susanna Navarre. The person described in & who made the foregoing declarations hereto annexed--that the said Robert was in service in said war with him, deponent, from beginning to wit, in Captn Jobean's company & was likewise taken prisoner at River Raisin & continued such until the 18th of January 1813 aforesaid, when he with deponent, joined or volunteered under Col. Lewis as aforesaid, then in the engagements on the 18th & 22d of January aforesaid --& with this deponent escaped to Sandusky & from there to Fort Meigs & ^thus joined Genl. Harrison in a company of spies as aforesaid & subsequently attached himself to Col. Johnson Reg't.--with whom he moved to Detroit & was there ^in thanks honorably excused--having actually served, in company with this deponent in said war, between 9 & 10 months, and was a prisoner of war, from the 16th of August 1812 to the & 18th of January 1813, a period of five months making in all some 14 or 15 months--
Deponent states that he knew the said Robert was highly esteemed by Harrison and Johnson, as an brave and efficient soldier--Deponent states further--that he is long since dead and that he left a widow who is the said Susanne Navarre, named in & made the foregoing declaration. Who is still a widow--& further saith not than except that he has heard ^said the facts sworn to by her, & knows the same to be true--
Antoine | his X mark |
Sargent |
Sworn to & subscribed before me the day & year above written.
February 24, 1853
Affidavit of Laurent Durocher
State of Michigan County of Monroe | } SS |
On this 24th day of February 1853, personally appeared before me, a Justice of the peace in & for said county, Laurent Durocher, aged Sixty ^five years & resident of said county who being duly sworn according to law declares that he is the identical Laurent Durocher who was a private in Captn. Richard Smith's Company in the 1st. Reg't. of Michigan Volunteers and subsequently was a Coronet in the Company of horse commanded by Captain Isaac Lee--in the war with Great Britain declared by the United States on the 18th day of June 1812--that while in said Captn. Smith's Company he was taken prisoner of War at the River Raisin on the 16th of August 1812 under Hull's capitulation and surrender--and continued such prisoner of war until the 18th of January 1813, when he joined the forces under Col. Lewis & Genl Winchester, and on the 22d of January aforesaid in the defeat of Winchester he escaped to ^Sandusky & then to Fort Meigs, & then attached himself to the forces under General Harrison & continued with him until he arrived at Detroit on or about the 15th of October 1813. When he volunteered in Capt Lee's company--Deponent states that for his said service he has recd a land warrant for 160 acres of land No-5658. Deponent states further that he was then well acquainted with Robert Hutro Navarre, deceased husband of the said Susanna Navarre, with whom he is also well acquainted, who is mentioned as such in & who subscribed the foregoing declarations for bounty land, which he has just heard read, and knows that the facts therein stated concerning the service of her said husband-Robert Hutro Navarre, are all strictly ---end page one--- true having seen him in actual service in said company of spies--the whole time almost and knowing also of his being being excused at at Detroit with Colonel Johnson on or about the 15th of October and also knew of his having been surrendered a prisoner of war at the River Raisin stockade by Hull's surrender and capitulation & of his continuing such prisoner until the 18th of January 1813, when he joined Colonel Lewis as did deponent ^& escaped to Sandusky & then to Fort Meigs--
and that he was highly esteemed as a brave & active soldier by Harrison & Johnson--Deponent states that he also knows the said Susanna, the widow of said Robert; knew them to live together as husband & wife & that she is still a widow.
} } } |
Justice of the Peace |
Alexander D. Anderson
Justice of the Peace
Susanna Navarre wid. of
R. H. Navarre decd.
Feb. 25, 1853
Certification for A. D. Anderson
State of Michigan County of Monroe, | } |
Seal of the Circuit Court of Monroe Co, Michigan |
abt. Mar., 1854
Overall statements for February affidavits
In the case of Susan Navarre, Widow of Robert Hutro Navarre, deceased.
The Declaration in this case is precisely similar, in all material aspects, to those of Francis Cousineau, Dom: Suzor, Peter Navarre and James H. Navarre, as to the commencement and duration of the soldier's service--his captivity after and surrender by Genl. Hull--his escape, and subsequent service in a spy compy. &c.
On 23d. Septr. 1853 and on 23d. Novr. 1853, the Auditor made reports confirming his first report of May 5, 1853, that "Robert Hutro Navarre served in Capt. Jobson's Jobean Co. Michigan Militia from 4th. August 1812 to 18th. August 1812, when surrendered by Genl. Hull--Engaged to serve till 4th. January 1813.--
Claimant's ^husband was actually detained in captivity till 23d. January 1813--when he escaped from his captivity, and again attached himself to the American Army.
Warrant, No. 92.673 for 40 acres appears to have been inadvertently issued on 26th. August 1853, there being no endorsement on the papers to show for what the claim was allowed.
Party is entitled for 80 acres, of which claimant was advised on 5th. Decr. last, when the warrant for 40 acres was recalled. Not yet heard from.
The testimony offered is support of the claim for the alleged service from January 1813 to October 1813, are the depositions of Antoine Sargent and Laurent Durocher, the former of whom is reported upon unfavorably by the auditor, and the claims of both are supported by Claimants, who swear for each other as to the spy service, which is not found on any rolls in the auditor's office.
For any greater allowance than 80 acres, this case stands upon the same ground as the applications of Consineau, Suzor and Peter Navarre, among the cases referred to me by the Com. which are not believed to be entitled to more than 80 acres which they have severally received.
The cases of Durocher, Fortier, James H. Navarre, Jms. Paston & Antoine Sargant & many others of the same class of ---end page one--- cases in which warrants for 160 acres have been issued, are believed to be improperly issued for a larger quantity of land that their services properly enetitled to.
The service in these cases is proved from 4th. August 1812 to 16th. August 1812, when they^parties were surrendered as prisoners of war and, according to the declarations made by them all, remained in captivity until January 1813, when they escaped--joined the American forces & remained with them in active service until September or October 1813. But they would seem to have been entitled only from the 4th. to 16th. August 1812, and in actual detention by the enemy from the 16th. Augt. to January 1813, making a period of about five months.
In most of the cases referred to, the auditor reported that they engaged to serve for six months; and this fact, taken in connecion connection with the service and detention in captivity for about five months, would seem to warrant the refusal to allow more than 80 acres in any of that class of cases; and especially as the auditor reports that his rolls afford no evidence in relation to the service as spies, claimed by the long list of applicants whose claims are prepared and advocated by Alex. D. Anderson, who is both Judge and Executioner, or Magistrate and Agent.
Susan Navarre, Widow of Robert H. Navarre decd. War of 1812. |
May 3, 1853?
R. Grame's notes on Widow's Claim
dark grey=pencil
No. 2 May 3 of 53 Wt. No.92.673 Cfd. Augt. 26/53 (outside) Capt Jobin Mich Robert not on Robert Ultro Navarre 4 Aug., 1812 Enl. til 4 Jan., 1813 16 Aug., 1812 Sep. 23/53 Letter to agent. recalling warrant. & request. of Cap. Name for 2d service (entitled to 80 acres)--ok March 14/54 Letter to Jno S. Edwards for Hon. D. A. Noble-recalling 40 acre warrant, claimant entitled to 160 acres--B. Hooe. April 17, 1854 Letter-Report to Hon. Secretary of the Interior-B. Hooe. April 28/54 Letter-Report to the Hon. Secretary of the Interior-Hooe Issue in this case supplemental May 2d 1854 Letter to Hon. D.A. Noble H. of Reps Hooe |
162452 March 13 of 53 Susanna Navarre wid. Private
Cap. Joseph Jobin Mich. Mil.
Enl. 4 Aug. 1812 Robt H. Navarre served as Pri in Capt Joseph Jobin's Co. of Mich Mila. from 4 aug to 18 Aug 1812-- R. Grame For 3d Aud (OVER)
Jul. 19, 1853
Additional Evidence 162.4502
Affidavit of Joseph Dousseau & Joseph Poupard dit Lafleur
Seal of the Circuit Court of Monroe Co, Michigan | State of Michigan County of Monroe | } SS |
[& I certify that the above are creditable]---persons, & entitled to full credit & that I have no interest in the result of the case referred to. | } | A. D. Anderson Justice of the peace |
Mrs. Susan Navarre widow of Robert H Navarre Additional evidences 1624502 A |
Aug. 11, 1853
Certification for A. D. Anderson
State of Michigan County of Monroe, | } |
Seal of the Circuit Court of Monroe Co, Michigan |
Sep 23, 1853
Treasury Department
No. 162452 Re-examined
No 162452
"Robert Ultro (sic) Navarre," Served in Capt. Jobean's Co. Michigan Mil: from 4 Aug 1812 to 18 Aug 1812, when surrendd by Genl. Hull,
Applicant will fill in name Capt. under whom her husband served in Genl. Winchester's Command.
Nov 23, 1853
Treasury Department
No. 162452 Re-examined
No 162452
The name of "Robert H. Navarre," is not found on Capt. Jobin's Rolls of Mich: Mil: on file in this office,
Robt Ultro Navarre Servd 4 Aug-11 Aug 1812.
Engaged to Serve till 4 Jany 1813. Surrendered 18.
Mar. 13, 1854
Susanna, James H., and Peter Navarre's affidavits
Sent to the Secretary Mar. 31, 1854
1. Susan Navarre's affidavit
2. James H. Navarre's and Peter Navarre's affidavit
State of | }SS |
County of |
On the 13th day of February March A.D. 1854 personally appeared before me a Justice of the peace in and for said County Susanna Navarre aged 57 years resident of said county who being duly sworn according to law declares that she is the widow of Robert H. Navarre deceased, who was first a private in the Company commanded by Captain Joseph Jobeans in the 2d Regt of Michigan Militia Commanded by Col. Anderson in the war with Great Britain, declared by the United States on the 18th day of June 1812; That he volunteered at the River Raisin on or about the 1st of July or August 1812 for the term of Six months or during the war. And actually served untill until the 16th of August 1812. When he was surrendered a prisoner of War, by Gen. Hull and delivered up his arms, and remained such prisoner of war until the on or about the 2019thth day of January 1813--When her said husband volunteered at the Maumee, Ohio, under the command of Gen. Winchester and she thinks Col. Allen in company with his brother James H. Navarre and served as guides to Winchester on his advance march of Genl Harrison--to the River Raisin where he and his said brother and others participated ---end page one-- in the engagements with the British and Indians under Proctor, which resulted in the defeat of Winchester---then her said husband and his brothers retreated to Fort Meigs, and, were then employed by Genl Harrison in a company of spies--without any specific Captain but under the Genl command of Harrison, that Colonel Gratiot acted as interpreter at this time of their so engaging, that her said husband and the other spies, she is credibly informed, marched in advance of Col. Johnson's Mounted Rangers by special appointment--and went with him to the River Thames--and was not released from service untill until sometime about the middle of October 1813 at Detroit.
Deponent states she has a land warrant for 40 acres ^done some time ago, but does not recollect the No. thereof--which she, soon after getting the same, disposed of it, consequently is now unable to return it to the Civil Department, as is required in a letter from the Department to Mr. Anderson ^of recent date, informing her, of her being entitled to a larger warrant than she received as aforesaid, and also requiring some further showing from ^her--She cannot see any Justice in withholding any of her rights from ^her because of her inability to return the warrant she has already received on account of errors in examining the original application at the Department--
---end page two-- She therefore makes this further declaration for the purpose of obtaining any additional quantity of bounty land to which she may be entitled by virtue of her said husband's service in said war ^under the act passed September 28th, 1850.--And also furnishes the additional proof of the correctness of her statements in regard to said services, in affidavits of her ^said husband's two brothers who served with him--hereto annexed.
She further states she was married to the said Robert H Navarre in Monroe Michigan on the 14th day of June A.D. 1815 by one Gabriel Richard a Catholic Clergyman that her name before her said marriage was Susanne Moore.
That her said husband died at Cedar Point ^Ohio on the 17th day of
February 1847 and that she is still a widow never having married ^again since ^her husband's death.
Susan | her X mark |
Navarre |
Sworn to and subscribed before me the day and year above written. And I hereby certify that I have no interest in the result of this case and I am not concerned in its prosecution and that all interliniation was made before the signing of ^the above
WM. H Hall
Justice of the Peace
State of Ohio | }SS |
County of Lucas |
On the 13th day of March A.D. 1854 personally appeared before me a Justice of the peace in and for said County James H. Navarre aged 68 years and ---end page three-- Peter Navarre aged sixty-six years, both residents of said county--each and both of whom being duly sworn do declare he the said James H. is the identical James H Navarre who was ^first a private in Captn Jobin's [Joseph Jobean's Lt. Horse] Company and he the said Peter--the identical Peter Navarre who was first a private in Captain Menard's Com. in the 2d Regt of Michigan Militia commanded by Col Anderson, and that they were each and both of them surrendered prisoners of war by Genl Hull on the 16th of Augt 1812and so remained untill until about the 2019th of January 1813 when they were engaged as guides to Genl Winchester on his advance to the River Raisin, where they participated in the engagements with the British and Indians and that after Winchester's defeat they were engaged as a company of spies under the command of Genl Harrison--for which service, he the said James H. has received a bounty land warrant No. 25729 for 160 acres and he the said Peter has received a ^bounty land warrant No. 47545 for 80 acres and Deponents further state that they have first heard read the foregoing affidavit made by their Susanna Navarre, and know of their own positive knowledge--that the statements therein made concerning the services of Robert H. Navarre, in the said war, to be strictly correct and true, he ---end page four-- hav^ing actually served with them, deponents and [and deponents] further state, that they, the said Robert and the said Susanna, were legally Married and always, untill until the death of said Robert, lived together as husband and wife--and that the said Susanna is still living in this neighborhood and is yet a widow--and further saith not.
Sworn and subscribed before me the day and year above written and I know the said affiants to be credible persons | } | Wm H. Hall Justice of the Peace |
40 Robert H. Navarre Sent to Secretary Mar 31/54
A |
Mar. 15, 1854
Clerk's Certificate
Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas in and for said County, do hereby certify that William H. Hall Esq. before whom the foregoing affidavits
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name, and affixed the seal of said Court, at the City of Toledo, this fifteenth day of March in the year of our Lord on thousand eight hundred and fifty four Dennison
Steele Clerk
Deputy Clerk |
May 1, 1854
Warrants to Hon. David Addison Noble (1802-1876) MI
House of Representatives
Other papers (1828-1852) available
Detroit Pub. Lib. (Burton Hist. Coll)
Hon: D. A. Noble Ho: of Reps. Within: Warrt. 90122 and May 2/54 suppl. to N o. 92.673 for 40 acres Warrt. 55560 and May 2/54 suppl. to N os. 92.673 and 99122 for 40 acres each. (Tickets in)
Vol 66 P 140 |
12.452 Susanna Navarre, Wife ofRobert H. Navarre, decd. In Cap. Jobin Mich. Mil, War 1812 Note: For sundry papers having reference to this case refer to the case of Francis Cousineau Register N o 163.982 on which warrants, N o 49.868 and N o 55.557, each for eighty acres have been issued. B. Hooe
May 4/54 Hon: D.A. Noble |
Oct. 10, 1872
1. Susan Navarre's power of attorney
2. Sirile Plumey's and Ira K. Seaman's affidavit
State of Ohio | }SS |
Lucas County |
On this tenth day of October A.D. 1872 personally appeared before me Victor Keen Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas a Court of Record in and for the County and State aforesaid Susan Navarre aged seventy-six years a resident of Oregon Township Lucas County State of Ohio who being duly sworn according to Law declares that she is the widow of Robert Navarre who served the full period of sixty days in the military service of the United States in the war of 1812 and who was the identical Robert Navarre who was enrolled in Captain John Beaugraw's [Beaugrand's] Company of Michigan Malitia Militia on or about the eleventh day of May 1811 and was honorably discharged on or about the first day of October 1813. That said Robert Navarre was employed by General W. H. Harrison at Fort Meigs Ohio on the Maumee of Lake Erie in the Secret Service and as courier during the spring of 1813. That she was married under the name of Susan Moore to said Robert Navarre on the fifteenth day of August 1814 by one Mr. Gibbs a justice of the Peace whose first full name is forgotten and subsequently in the following year by the Reverend Gabriel Richard a Catholic Priest at the River Raisin now called Monroe, State Michigan. ---end page one-- That there was no legal barrier to said marriage; that her said husband died at Cedar Point in Lucas County Ohio on the 18th day of February 1846 and that she has not remarried since his death; that at no time during the late rebellion against the authority of the United States did she or her said husband adhere to the cause of the enemies of the government giving them aid or comfort, or exercised the function of any office whatever under any authority or pretended authority in hostility to the United States. That she will support the Constitution of the United States; that she is not in receipt of a Pension under any previous act, that she makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the pension rolls of the United States under the provisions of the Act approved Feby. 14th 1871 and hereby constitutes and appoints with full power of substitution and revocation Arnold McMahan of East Toledo Lucas County Ohio her true and lawful attorney to prosecute her claim and obtain the pension certificate that may be issued; that her post office is at East Toledo, County of Lucas State of Ohio and that her domicile or Place of abode is in Oregon Township Lucas County Ohio
Attest 2 witnesses |
George W. Keen Sirile Plumey |
Also personally appeared Sirile Plumey and Ira K. Seaman residing at and near East Toledo Lucas County Ohio persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit and who being by me duly sworn say: They were present and saw Susan Navarre the claimant make her mark to the foregoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe from the appearance of said claimant and their acquaintance with her that she is the identical person she represents herself to be and she has not remarried since the death of her husband but remains his widow; and at no time during the late rebellion against the authority of the United States did she or her said husband adhere to the cause of the enemies of the government or give them aid or comfort. That they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim.
Sirile Plumey
I. K. Seaman
Sworn to and subscribed before me this tenth day of October AD 1872 and I certify hereby that the contents of the above declaration were fully made known and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing. That I have no interest direct or indirect in in the prosecution of this claim. I further certify that the court of which I am clerk is a court of Record.
Victor Keen, Clerk Count. Cour.
Pleas Lucas Co. OH.
Mar. 31, 1854
Briefs regarding James and Susannah
To the Secretary of the Department of the Interior
These two cases are embraced in the Report from the Pension Office, on 14th March 1854, to Hon. D. A. Noble, H of Reps--from which it is probable the decision in these cases, is not intended to be appealed from--but as they are among the cases mentioned in the letter of the Commissioner of Pensions, the facts in regard to them are now submitted to the Hon. Secretary of the Dep.t of the Interior.
No. 4.
James H. Navarre
Michigan Militia
War of 1812
The objections stated in relation to the claim of Francis Cousineau's application for an increased allowances of Bounty Land, apply to this case. A Warrant for 160 acres has been issued to him, and is believed to have been done somewhat inadvertently. That Warrant has been recalled, in order that one for 80 acres may be issued in it's its stead. A caveat has been entered at the General Land Office.
No. 5.
Susannah Navarre
Widow of
Robert H. Navarre dec.
Michigan Militia
War of 1812
This claimant has received a warrant for 40 acres--there is proof among the papers to show that she is entitled to a Warrant for 80 acres.
Oct. 10, 1872
Affidavit of Peter Navarre
I Peter Navarre being first duly sworn as the law directs on my oath declare. That I am the identical Peter Navarre who was a Private in Captain Joseph Manars [Menard's] Company of Michigan Malitia Militia in the war of 1812. That I am now duly enrolled a Pensioner of the United States under the act of February 14th 1871 that I was well acquainted with my brother Robert Navarre who was a Private in Capt. John Beaugraw's [Beaugrand's] company of Michigan Malitia Militia in the war of 1812 also am well acquainted with Susan Navarre widow of said Robert Navarre who is now an applicant for pension under the act of Feby. 14th 1871. That said Robert and Susan Navarre were duly married and lived together as husband and wife from the date of their marriage in the year 1814 to the time of death of the said Robert Navarre in February 1846. that the said Susan Navarre never remarried but has remained the widow of said Robert Navarre. That I know from personal knowledge that said Robert Navarre served as a Private as aforesaid and was in the year 1813 employed in company with myself in the secret service by General W. H. Harrison as Scout and Courier at Fort Meigs and in the Country near the head of Lake Erie that he served (over) ---end page one-- in the military service of the United States as stated herein more than the full period of sixty days. That I was Present as a witness at the marriage of my brother the said Robert Navarre and Susan Navarre whose maiden name was Susan Moore, on the 15th day of August 1814.
Attest 2 witnesses |
George W. Keen Sirile Plumey |
State of Ohio | }SS |
Lucas County |
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10th day of October 1872 and I hereby certify that the contents of the above statement as sworn to were fully made known and explained to deponent before swearing. That I am well acquainted with said Peter Navarre and know him to be the person he represents himself that he is a credible witness and I declare I have no interest in the claim for pension in this case.
Victor Keen, Clerk
Count. Cour. Pleas. Lucas
Co. OH.
Oct. 11, 1872
Arnold McMahan cover letter for the Oct. affidavits
Stamped: Department of the Interior
Stamped: Pension Office Oct. 15, 1872
1. Cover for letter.
2. Letter to Dept. of Interior.
War of 1812
Declaration of widow for Pension
Claim of Mrs Susan Navarre widow of Robert Navarre Private of Captain John Beaugraw's Company of MichiganMalitiaMilitia.
Arnold McMahan's Real Estate, Insurance and COLLECTION OFFICE EAST TOLEDO, OHIO. |
Real Estate bought and sold on Commission.
Houses and Farms Leased.
Taxes Paid, and Rents Collected
East Toledo, Ohio, October 11 187 2
Hon. Commissioner of Pensions
Washington DC
Dear Sir,
Inclosed Enclosed I have the honor to submit the application of Susan Navarre widow of Robert Navarre to be enrolled as a pensioner of the United States under act Feby. 14 1871.
Post office East Toledo Ohio |
Very Respectfully Arnold McMahan atty for applicant |
Oct. 15, 1872
J. A. Safford (Examiner/widow's section)
L. C. Black (Examiner)
Schedule of Widow's application 9508
abt. Feb., 1873
No Roll for Capt. J. Beaugrow's Co.
Prob. response to Feb. 7th request
Michigan Militia
February 7, 1873
J. A. Safford, examiner, third auditor
E.H. Baker, Commissioner
Parol Evidence of Service
You are respectfully requested to furnish official evidence of the enrollment, muster, service, and duty of
Robert Navarre , who at
, on the day of 18 , in Captain
J. Beaugrow's Company
Regiment Michigan Militia , and
who was discharged at on the
day of , 18 . He again enlisted at , on the day of , 18 , in Captain
Company Regiment , and was discharged therefrom at
on the day of , 18 .
The following are related as the principal incidents of the War of 1812 in which he participated:
If the above is not found on the rolls of said Company, will you so state, and report as to enrollment, &c., in the case of any man bearing a similar name, whom you have good reason for believing to be the soldier inquired for.
Feb. 15, 1873
Treasury Department, Third Auditor's Office
Notice of no rolls for Capt. John Beaugrand
Stamped: Department of the Interior
Stamped: Pension Office Feb 27, 1873
No. 9508 H.R.
Treasury Department, THIRD AUDITOR'S OFFICE Feb.; 25th 1873 Respectfully returned to the Commissioner of Pensions with the information that there are no Rolls of Captain J. Beaugron Company of Michigan Militia, War of 1812, on file in this Office
A M Garyewer ? acting Auditor |
Feb. 28, 1873
No Rolls of Capt. Beaugrow's Company
In the claim of Susan Navarre, widow of Robert Navarre for a pension under act of February 14, 1871 N0 9.508., You are informed that the name of said soldier is not borne on the Rolls of Capt. Beaugrow's Company, Michigan Militia; therefore parole evidence by two or more persons having personal knowledge of the fact that he served not less than sixy days in the war of 1812, giving date of enlistment and discharge, and in which the affiants state their means of knowledge may be furnished and when received will be duly considered. Claimant is not entitled to credit for intervals between tours of duty. Please return this letter with the evidence.
Very respectfully, | |
J. H. Baker | |
Arnold McMahan Esq.
East Toledo, Ohio | Commissioner. |
Apr. 30, 1873
Affidavit of Peter Navarre
Stamped: Department of the Interior
Stamped: Pension Office May 16, 1873
State of Ohio | }SS |
Lucas County |
I Peter Navarre of Lucas County Ohio resident near Toledo, being first duly sworn on my oath declare that I am over eighty-six (86) years of age; that I am a pensioner of the United States under the act approved Feby 14th 1871 having served as a soldier in the war of 1812 That Robert Navarre husband of Susan Navarre who is an applicant for pension No 9508 was my brother and was four years older than my self, that I know from my personal knowledge that said Robert Navarre served in Army of the United States in the war of 1812 for the full period of sixty days and more, that I served with him in the army and am well informed and have good memory of the times and circumstances of his services and my own; that I served in the Army in the war of 1812 from the Early part of the month of May 1812 to the later part of the month of October 1813. That I was a Prisoner of war in the hand of the British at Detroit in Michigan from about the 16th day of August 1812 to the 18th day January 1813 when I was paroled and released. That said Robert Navarre entered the service at the same time and date with myself, that he served continuously for more than the full period of sixty (60) days that he was a prisoner of war in the hands of the British enemy continuously for more than five (5) months at Detroit; That I served in Captain Joseph Manors [Menard's] Company of Michigan Malitia Militia and that my brother Robert Navarre ---end page one-- served in John Beaugraw's Company of Michigan Malitia Militia. That said Robert Navarre was employed chiefly as a scout, and was after detached from his Company and served the orders of General Harrison and Colonel Richard Johnson, that on account of the services so rendered in the war of 1812 by my brother Robert Navarre his widow Susan Navarre applied for and obtained a land warrant from the general land office of the United States, that I was a witness in the proceedings had to obtain said land warrant and that it was granted for the same services herein described. Now it is my recollection that said Robert Navarre served in the Army of the United States from May 1812 to October 1813 continuously as stated at which dates respectively he was enlisted as enrolled and discharged, that during said term of service he was a prisoner of war about five months and these things I know from personal knowledge having served in the Army with him; that I am not interested in the claim of Susan Navarre aforesaid for Pension.
attest- M. J. Enright M. V. Fisk |
M. J. Enright Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas the same being a Court of Record within and for the County of Lucas |
---end page two--
No. 9508 War of 1812 Claim of
May 12, 1873
Arnold McMahan cover letter for additional evidence
Real Estate bought and sold on Commission.
Houses and Farms Leased.
Taxes Paid, and Rents Collected
East Toledo, Ohio, May 12th 187 3
Hon. J. H. Baker
Commissioner of Pensions
Inclosed enclosed find additional evidence in case no 9.508 widow's claim for pension War 1812.--We are unable to furnish all the evidence required by your letter of Feby. 28th '73 herewith inclosed enclosed. It is hoped that the Department will be enabled to find the name of the soldiers on the list of Paroled prisoners after Hull's surrender of Detroit, he having been a prisoner, as shown by his brother's affidavit herewith, and thus furnish the evidence we are unable to produce by any living witness now known to us--Then if you Department would have the kindness to examine the evidence adduced to obtain the land warrant referred to in the inclosed enclosed affidavit it might be conclusive of this case.--There is no means known to us by which we can obtain from the files of the land office the evidence referred to and produce it in your office in support of this claim. It is stated to us by the only witness we have, Peter Navarre, that said Robert Navarre was at one time attached to Capt. Steven's Company of Michigan Malitia Militia and that his name is borne on the rolls of that Company.
May 17, 1873
J. A. Safford
Bounty Land Division
Capt. Steven's Co.
Pension Claim, Susan Navarre Soldier Robert Navarre
Warrant No 55,560-80-50-- suppl to 92673-40 & 99122-40 Required: Service, marriage death of soldier J. A. Safford , ExaminerReport: Warrant frd to Susanna, maiden name Maure, widow of Robert
H. Navarre for service ---over leaf---
...???backside not copied???.
May 28, 1873
J. A. Safford
Rejection of Claim for a Widow's Pension
in the case of Susan Navarre , widow of
Robert Navarre , a
of Captain Jobeans' Company, Colonel Michigan Militia Reg't,
Declaration and identification in due form, filed
15 , 18 72.
Rejected: it appearing in evidence that claimant married the soldier subsequent to the Treaty of Peace February 17, 1815. Date of marriage given in "Marriage Certificate" June 14 1815
Soldier died ,
18 ;
date and fact established by
Marriage to soldier prior to Dec. 24, 1814, established by
Rejected: May 28
pension of eight dollars per month, from February 14, 1871.
Arnold McMahan Esq. | J. A. Safford |
East Toledo, Lucas Co. | , Ex'r |
Ohio. |
May 31, 1873
A. W. Fisker's review of
J. A. Safford's rejection of claim
Original No. 9508.
Returned on Review to
Examiner widows'
Section, Claimant states in her declaration that she was married Aug. 15, 1814 by a civil magistrate and the next year was married by a Priest. The certificate of the latter, I presume, is filed in the B.L.D. We have had one case like this before where it was proven that the civil marriage was performed about a year before the ceremony was clebrated according... Reviewer
---over leaf--- the rites of the Catholic Church.
I would call upthe papers in the B.L. Div. and see if her allegation as to marriage cannot be proven. Fisker
June 7, 1873
J. A. Safford
Bounty Land Division
Rejection of claim
Pension Claim, Susan Navarre Soldier Robert Navarre
J. A. Safford , Examiner
Chief Bt'y L'd Div.
June 10, 1873
A. W. Fisker's review of
J. A. Safford's rejection of claim
Original No. 9508
Returned on Review to
Examiner widows'
Section, claimant states that she was married in August/1814 by one Gibbs a J. P. [Justice of the Peace] and in time following, the rites of marriage were celebrated by a Priest of St. Anne's Church. In her claim for B.L. [Bounty Land] she gives June/15 as the date of marriage although August was first written. Depending upon the priet's certificate, it is easy to understand why she gave the latter date and said nothing of the... Reviewer
---over leaf---
...former in her statement of marriage. It is well-known that two marriage ceremonies are frequently performed where one of the parties is of the Catholic faith.
The marriage ceremony performed by the civil magistrate is sufficient for us, if it can be shown. I think the claimant should be allowed to prove her allegation. Fisker
Jun. 11, 1873
Department of the Interior: Pension Office
Stamped: Department of the Interior June 23, 1873
1. Cover Letter
2. Marriage Circular
In the claim of Susan Navarre for a widow's pension under act of February 14 1871 N o 9508, claimant in her Declaration states that she was married in August 1814 by a Justice of the Peace and in the following June the rites of marriage were celebrated by a Priest of St. Anne's Church. Proof of her marriage by the civil magistrate previous to the Treaty of Peace February 17 1815 is required. A marriage circular is enclosed. Please return this letter with the evidence.
Jn Lockey
actg. Commissioner.
East Toledo, Lucas Co.,
In the claim of Susan Navarre
for a widow's pension, under act of February 14, 1871, No. 9.508
proof of her marriage to the soldier prior to February 17, 1815, is
required. You are informed that proof upon this point is of value in the
following order.
Very respectfully, | |
J. H. Baker | |
A. McMahan Esq.
East Toledo, Ohio | Commissioner. |
Jun. 17, 1873
Affidavit of Peter Navarre
Stamped: Dept. of Interior
Stamped: Office of Pensions June 23, 1873
State of Michigan | }SS |
County of Monroe |
On this 17th day of June A.D. 1873 before me the Judge of the Probate Court in and for said County and State personally came Peter Navarre whom I certify to be a person of respectable character and entitled to credit, who being first by me duly sworn doth depose and say that he resides in the Oregon Lucas County Ohio, and is now temporarily on a visit in Monroe County aforesaid, that he is eighty-six years of age, and is a brother of Robert Navarre, the deceased husband of Mrs. Susan Navarre who is an applicant for widow pension under act of February 14, 1871, and the number of whose claim is No. 9.508--.
And deponent further says that the said Robert Navarre and the said Susan Navarre were married in the month of August in the year 1814, at Maumee in the State of Ohio, by a Mr. Gibbs, a Justice of the peace, that this deponent was present and saw the marriage performed and that this deponent and a certain Mr LeClare, who is now dead, were the ^only witnesses to said marriage. Deponent further says that the said justice of the Peace is now dead, having died a few years after the said war of 1812.
Deponent further says that he knows of his own personal knowledge, having lived near them and seen them frequently, that the said Robert Navarre and Susan Navarre lived and cohabited together as husband and wife from the time of their said marriage in August 1814, to the time of the death of the said Robert Navarre a period of thirty years or thereabouts--^and that he is not interested in said claim or pension and further deponent says not--
In presence of C. S. Curtis O. S. Critchett |
Otis S. Critchett Judge of Probate |
Jun. 17, 1873
Affidavit of Robert F. Navarre
State of Michigan | }SS |
County of Monroe |
On this 17th day of June A.D. 1873 before me the Judge of the Probate Court in and for said County and State personally came Robert F. Navarre whom I certify to be a person of respectable character and entitled to credit who being first by me duly sworn according to law doth depose and say that he resides in the Township of Monroe in said County and is eighty-two years of age, and is a second cousin of, and was well acquainted with, Robert Navarre, the deceased husband of Mrs. Susan Navarre who is an applicant for widow pension under act of February 14, 1871, and the number of whose claim is No. 9.508--. And deponent further says that in the Summer of 1814 this deponent resided in Monroe, Michigan, that he was at that time acquainted with the said Robert Navarre who resided at Maumee Ohio, and was in the habit of visiting him frequently, that he remembers distinctly hearing in the ---end page one-- Summer of 1814 that the said Robert Navarre was married, and that in the next succeeding winter he visited the said Robert Navarre at his house in Maumee aforesaid and found him living with the said Susan Navarre as his wife, that within a few months he again visited them and found them still living at Maumee aforesaid as husband and wife, and that at the time of this visit they had a ^young child, and that to the personal knowledge of this deponent the said Robert Navarre and Susan Navarre continued to live and cohabit together as husband and wife ^from the summer of 1814 to the present time of the death of the said Robert Navarre, a period of about thirty years. Deponent further says that he is not interested in said claim for pension.
Attest Joseph Wasex |
Otis S. Critchett Judge of Probate |
circa Jun. 20, 1873 (not dated)
Letter of Arnold McMahan: Susan Navarre's Attorney
1. Includes affidavits from Monroe, MI dated the 17th
2. Stamped "received" Dept of Interior in D.C. on the 23rd
Your letter of June 11th 1873 with marriage circular in case of Susan Navarre's claim for a widows Pension No 9.508. Act Feby 14th 1871 has been read and complied with as nearly as possible: the affidavits of Robert F. Navarre and Peter Navarre in relation to the marriage of the claimant are herewith inclosed enclosed. Also your letter and Circular.
A certified copy of a church or other public record can not be furnished for the reason that at the time of the marriage of the claimant in 1814 no record was kept and there was no legal place to keep such record of marriage; this part of the territory of Michigan (now Ohio) being somewhat destitute of court houses, Courts, and records or books from the same. The first court ever held in Lucas County Ohio where the claimant was married was in 1835 and by what authority that court convened is not clear now. Justice of the Peace Gibbs who legalized the marriage contract between the claimant and her husband was undoubtedly appointed by the territorial Governor of Michigan. Monroe (sometimes called River Raisin) in Michigan was the Shire town for a vast extent of county including part of Michigan and Ohio in 1814 and the only place that records of marriage ---end page one-- or other public records would be kept at this the time in question, but no record of marriages in those days can be found there and it is probable that none was made. This land including Toledo, Maumee, Monroe and the land extending North and West was by the common people in those times called Monroe.
No affidavit of the officiating magistrate can be produced as he is dead. See affidavit of Peter Navarre inclosed enclosed.
Only one witness of the ceremony can be produces, who saw it performed.
The "4th" order of evidence is full and we trust satisfactory.
Post-Office East Toledo Lucas County Ohio | Respectfully Arnold McMahan atty for Susan Navarre |
June 26, 1873
J. A. Safford
Admission of Claim for a Widow's Pension
9508 Cert. 5395 |
in the case of Susan Navarre , widow of
Robert Navarre , a
of Captain Jobeans' & others Company, Colonel Michigan Militia Reg't,
Lucas Co., Ohio
Post Office address, East Toledo,
Lucas Co., Ohio
Soldier enlisted ,
18 ,
Discharged ,
18 .
Served afterward from ,
18 ,
to ,
18 ,
in Captain Company,
Colonel Reg't,
Declaration and identification in due form, filed
15 , 18 72.
Bty. Land Div. reports
Robert Navarre served in Capt. Jobeans'
Co. Mich. Militia from 4th to
the 18th, Auguast 1812, when he
became a prisoner of war at Hull's
surrender-- escaped January
1813, and
then employed as spie & building
Peter Navarre
testifies he
was in service from May 1812, to
October 1813
Total service,
One year & more days.
Soldier died February 18 ,
18 46 ;
date and fact established by report from Bounty Land Division.
Continued widowhood since his death established by testimony of
two witnesses
Sirile Plumey and I. K. Seaman.
Marriage to soldier prior to February 17, 1815, established by
testimony of Peter Navarre
who was present and an eyewitness,
also of
Robt. F. Navarre, who
testifies to cohabitation, and their
living together as man & wife,
from the summer of 1814 until
the death of the soldier.--
Date of marriage 15 August 1814
Maiden name of claimant Susan
Oath to support the Constitution of the United States subscribed. Non-receipt of pension declared. Loyalty established by affidavits of
two witnesses
Sirile Plumey and I. K. Seaman.
Their credibility certified by
Admitted: June 26 ,1873, to a pension of eight dollars per month, from February 14, 1871.
R. | J. A. Safford Examiner
Approved: |
Arnold McMahan Esq. | A.W. Fisker |
East Toledo, Lucas Co. | Reviewer. |
Ohio. |
Jul. 1, 1873
Widow's Pension No. 5395
No. 5395 WAR OF 1812.WIDOWS' PENSION. OHIO Susan Navarre widow of Robert Navarre
Company Cap Jobean Regiment Mich Mil a Cincinnati Agency. Rate per month --- Eight dollars. Commencing February 14, 1871. Certificate Dated 1 July 1873 and sent to Pension Agent. Act 14th February, 1874. Vol. Ohio Page 63 Paul C. Kavanaugh Clerk 55560 -80-50 |
Mar. 11, 1897
Service Record
Robert H. Navarre
#38928200; #38928228
214 Navarre, Robert Utro 2 Regiment (Anderson's) Michigan Militia. (War of 1812) Private | Private CARD NUMBERS
1. 38928200
2. 38928228 Number of personal papers herein 0 Book Mark:
Feb. 19, 1920?
Examiner: R.S.M
Marked 2-19-20 (date?)
Navarre, Robert
H. |
Navarre, Susan
Wid. Orig. 9,508 |
Pvt. Capt.
Joseph Jobean's |
Wid. Ctf. 5,395 |
Co. Mich. Mil. | Bounty: 55,560-80-50Land: 92,673-80-50Warrants:
Aug. 4
1812 |
Aug. 18
1812 |
| |
Residence 1854, Lucas Co., Ohioof Widow 1872, Lucas Co. (P.O.
East Toledo) Ohio
| |
Maiden name
Susan Moore
| |
Marriage of
Aug. 15, 1814,
River Raisin, Mich.
| |
Feb. 18, 1846,
Cedar Point, Lucas Co., Ohio
| |
Death | |
It is alleged that soldier
served one year or more as a spy from May 1812 to Oct 1813 |
Aug. 06, 1987
Order for copies of Veterans Records
Navarre, Robert H.
Mich. Territory
War of 1812
Capt. Joseph Jobean's Co.
Lt. Horse 2nd Regt. Mich. Mil.
Monroe Michigan
Toledo, Ohio
3 Sept. 1785
18 Feb. 1846
Toledo, Ohio [Cedar Point]
Susanne Moore
Marshall Davies Lloyd | |