Gloucester Gaol Calendars (ref unlisted)

Age: 48

Trade: None

Degree of instruction: Imp

Name and Address of Committing Magistrate: J J Sexty, Esq Winchcomb

Date of Warrant: Dec 5th 1894

When received into custody: Dec 5th 1894

Offence as Charged in the Indictment: On the 13th day of November, 1894 at Winchcombe did unlawfully and wilfully attempt to commit suicide

When tried: Jan 2nd 1895

Before whom tried: R J Kerr, Esq

Verdict of the Jury: Pleaded Guilty

Sentence or Order of the Court: 1 calendar month labour

Gloucester Journal Saturday 5th January 1895

Gloucester Quarter Sessions

Attempted Suicide at Winchcomb - Mary Matilda Pardington (48) was charged with attempting to commit suicide at Winchcomb on November 13th. - Prisoner pleaded guilty. A statement written by the prisoner whilst in prison was read, in which she said she was very sorry for what she had done, and would promise not attempt such a rash act again. Prisoner also expressed herself quite willing to go into a home, and asked the court to entertain her petition. - The Chairman ordered prisoner to be imprisoned for one month, but added that perhaps the prison authorities would during the time be able to get her into a home of some kind


  Page last updated:  19 April 2001   

Copyright 2001:  Rosemary Parker