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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

King's Loyal Americans
Jessup to Fraser

Camp Near the Fly Sept. 28th 1777.


I was honoured with your favour by Mr. Thomas MAN this Morning.

He has not had any Money as pay of one as an Ensign Since he Joined the Corps which was in June last the Day we left Montreal, but I have let him have Money and Orders for Cloaths &c to the Amount of Twenty four or 25 £ New-York Currency Which he was to pay me out of his Pay When he Should Receive it.

I never Received a Shilling for him of any Person Either in Canada or here, and he Could not be in any Great want till very Lately when Stores are Scarce with me and very dear, his Father being an old friend and a very Good Man.

I Always Considered him as one of My own Family: if Mr. McCOMB Lets us have money he Undoubtedly Ought to have his Proportion of it with the other Gentlemen in Equal Distress with himself-

I am Sir
Your Most Obedient and
Very Humble Servant

Brigadier Genl. FRASER.

Great Britain, British Library, Additional Manuscipts, No. 21827, folio 20.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
This page created and maintained by Nan Cole and Todd Braisted
Updated 12/15/99

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