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To His Excellency Sir Guy CARLETON Knight of the Bath; General and Commander in Chief of His Majestys Forces in Canada &c &c &c |
The Memorial of Ebenezer JESSUP Esquire in behalf of Himself and the Corps under [his] Command- Humbly Sheweth That your Memorialist (by Your Excellency’s Direction to Lieutenant General BURGOYNE to form two Corps of Provincials) was Appointed and Served in the Quality of Lieutenant Colonel Commandant of One Corps of Provincials, and with Edward JESSUP Esquire Who was Appointed Major of the Same Expended a Considerable Sum of Money to Inlist men into the Servis and Compleat the Said Corps. That of the Said Corps many were Taken Prisoners, Some Killed, discharged, deserted, &c &c, and a Considerable Number Joined Captain McALPIN’s and Capt. McKAY’s Corps. That the day before the Pay Rolls were made out the Army was Obliged to Retreat and on your memorialist making Requisition to the General for an order for some money on Account for the Corps under his Command, was Refused it, Telling your Memorialist that a Large Sum of Money was Ordered to be Paid, to Mr. McCOMB; but the General Offered to give your Memorialist an order for fifty or Sixty Quineas for his own Use, Which he Refused Saying that his men and Officers all wanted their Pay, as did Himself. That the Pay Master General Mr. GIDDIS told your Memorialist that he had Paid Mr. McCOMB brought him a Paper Signed by Major KINGSTON Appointing him Pay Master for the four Provnicial Corps and the next day he let him have Seven Hundred Guineas or Pounds Again on the Same Account, he could not tell Whether he had the fifteen Hundred Guineas, or Pounds, Until he Should be at his Tent to see, but that the money was Paid to Mr. McCOMB for the Corps under your Memorialist Command, Lieut. Col. PETERS, Capt. McALPIN, & Capt. McKAYs Corps, and Consequently is Charged to them all, and will be Stopped from them all when Their Accounts are Settled, unless Propper measures are taken in time to Prevent it. Your Memorialist Asked Mr. GIDDIS Pay Master General and was Very Particular in Enquiring of him Whether the Whole of the money that he had Paid to Mr. McCOMB was not for Capt. McALPIN and Capt. McKAYs Corps only, and not for Lieut. Col. PETERS Corps, and Your Memorialist, Who declared Positively the money was for the four Provnicial Corps, that it would be much more then was due to McALPIN & McKAYs Corps only. But Mr. McCOMB Denies his having Received any Money for the Corps Under Your Memorialist Command, or Lieut. Col. PETERS Corps. That your Memorialist has Inclosed a Return, which Shews the Numbers, and in What Quality they Served under your Memorialist Command; Exclusive of them mustered the 12th of January And Shews what is become of them. Captain Joseph JESSUPs Company that had above Sixty Men in it, has lately Mustered only five Private men. That Two Hundred and Eleven Officers and Men is a Considerable Number to be Raised at the Expence of Your Memorialist and all be lost in one Summer from the Strength of the Corps Several of which Inlisted to Serve during the war and Received money, Cloathing &c. Of Your Memorialist for that Purpose have Since Joined Capt. McALPIN And if those that have Joined Other Corps Was to be Returned back Again (Which in Justice they ought not to have left) or if they were to be Paid with your Memorialist, and an Equal Number of them Under Convention Substituted in their Place from their Corps it would in Great Measure Lesson the loss of men, which Seems to be so Considerable. That your Memorialist and the Corps under his Command Wishes to be Ready With their Accounts and Affairs that Any thing may hinder them from being Exchanged Whenever, and Wherever that may be. Your Memorialist therefore Humbly Prays that Your Excellency will be Pleased to take this Memorial into Consideration; and Adopt Such Measures for the Relief of your Memorialist, and the Corps Under his Command, as your Excellency may think best. Eben: JESSUP
La Chine Feby. 1st 1778
Great Britain, British Library, Additional Manuscripts, No. 21827, folio 145-146.
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